Where do I find the Faithlife Terms of Service?
You can find them here.
What 3rd party terms are payments made with credit cards subject to?
Payments made via credit card are subject to the terms and conditions of our payment processors, like Worldpay, Cybersource and PayPal, as well as the terms of your own banking institution of credit card provider.
How does group licensed content work when users leave and join a group?
Access to group licensed content is based on group membership. Users who join a group immediately gain access to all of the licensed content for that group (as long as the number of people in the group does not exceed the number of licenses purchased). Members who leave a group immediately lose access to any content licensed to that group.
Can I transfer a Logos resource to another user?
With Faithlife’s permission, you can transfer Logos licenses you own to another user. There is a minimum transfer fee of $20. Restrictions apply, including:
- The transfer request must come from the original purchaser.
- Licenses must be transferred in the same configuration in which they were purchased. (For example, if you want to transfer a resource you purchased as part of a bundle, you must transfer the entire bundle.)
- You cannot transfer resources that were purchased at an upgrade or dynamic price (unless you are transferring your entire library).
- You may not retain any licensed content after licenses are transferred.
- The transferee must agree to be bound by our Terms of Service.
Additional limitations may apply. To initiate a transfer, email cs@logos.com with the following information:
- The name, email address, and phone number of the account the license is currently registered to.
- The name and contact information (address, phone and email) of the recipient.
- The order number(s) and product name(s) being transferred. Please provide the serial number if the product came with one. (This is not needed if you’re transferring the entire library.)
Where do I find the Faithlife Terms of Service?
You can find them here.
What 3rd party terms are payments made with credit cards subject to?
Payments made via credit card are subject to the terms and conditions of our payment processor, Cybersource, as well as the terms of your own banking institution of credit card provider.
How does group licensed content work when users leave and join a group?
Access to group licensed content is based on group membership. Users who join a group immediately gain access to all of the licensed content for that group (as long as the number of people in the group does not exceed the number of licenses purchased). Members who leave a group immediately lose access to any content licensed to that group.
Can I transfer a Logos resource to another user?
With Faithlife’s permission, you can transfer Logos licenses you own to another user. There is a transfer fee of $20. Restrictions apply, including:
- The transfer request must come from the original purchaser.
- Licenses must be transferred in the same configuration in which they were purchased. (For example, if you want to transfer a resource you purchased as part of a bundle, you must transfer the entire bundle.)
- You cannot transfer resources that were purchased at an upgrade or dynamic price (unless you are transferring your entire library).
- You may not retain any licensed content after licenses are transferred.
- The transferee must agree to be bound by our Terms of Service.
Additional limitations may apply. To initiate a transfer, email cs@logos.com with the following information:
- The name, email address, and phone number of the account the license is currently registered to.
- The name and contact information (address, phone and email) of the recipient.
- The order number(s) and product name(s) being transferred. Please provide the serial number if the product came with one. (This is not needed if you’re transferring the entire library.)