King's Grant Baptist Church
Church • Virginia Beach, VA • 44 members • 4 followers
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About this group
Our key values are Community, Faith, and Love. #LoveYourCity
Follow- Welcome to King's Grant Baptist Church online. We trust you will find community and faith as we journey together. Get more information about who we are and what we do by visiting our website, kgbc.us Here are a few Quick Links to Popular Pages: The Sermon Podcast: kgbc.us/podcast Sermon Videos: kgbc.us/video Guests Start Here: kgbc.us/guest Discover Your Small Group: kgbc.us/group Foundation 260: kgbc.us/f260 The Noble Man Group: kgbc.us/noble The Men of Steel: kgbc.us/men Get Our Mobile App: kgbc.us/app Online Calendar: kgbc.us/calendar KGBC Online Giving: kgbc.us/give This Weekend: kgbc.us/weekend Sunday Online Service: kgbc.us/live Digital Bulletin: kgbc.us/guide Wednesday Life Groups: kgbc.us/lifegroup Discussion Questions: kgbc.us/class King's Grant Farmers' Market: kgbc.us/farmers-market
- Scott Chafee is taking notes on the F-260 reading for each day, maybe you'd like to see what he noticed. Check it out at his "Walking in His Steps" Group on Faithlife.Walking in His StepsIn 2021 we are reading through the New Testament in a plan called Foundation 260, FOLLOW here and JOIN the group below.faithlife.com
- Here is my Walking in His Steps Group in our church app: https://kgbc.churchcenter.com/groups/sunday-groups/walking-in-his-steps
- The Men of Steel seek to become better men through the power of God in our lives. We are reading through the New Testament in 2021 and discussing each Wednesday at 7am, all that we read and noticed in the chapters for that week. Click the logo to join the group today! | kgbc.us/men | kgbc.us/f260 | kgbc.us/nobleMen of SteelKing's Grant Baptist Church on Church Centerkgbc.churchcenter.com
- The Wednesday Life Group gets together each week to discuss and apply the message we heard from Pastor Ken this past Sunday. Join the group and get access on campus or online. Click the logo and join the group today kgbc.us/lifegroupWednesday Life GroupKing's Grant Baptist Church on Church Centerkgbc.churchcenter.com
- Here is your reminder about joining the KGBC F-260 Reading Group. We are reading the New Testament in 2021 and discussing what God is teaching us through our daily reading. Just a chapter a day, Monday through Friday. Click the logo to join the group today! | kgbc.us/men | kgbc.us/f260 | kgbc.us/nobleF-260 on MondayKing's Grant Baptist Church on Church Centerkgbc.churchcenter.com
- Here is your reminder about joining the Noble Man Group, and get in on the monthly men's breakfasts and Bible study. Click the logo to join the group today! | kgbc.us/men | kgbc.us/f260 | kgbc.us/nobleNoble Man GroupKing's Grant Baptist Church on Church Centerkgbc.churchcenter.com
- You are in but again, only your first name is showing up, and you are not connected with the Barber family I created, I'll see if I can merge the two records.