- Highly recommended! The features just make life easier, once you learn how to use them. The only resource I think needs very slight improvement is the Faithlife Hebrew Ontology. 1. I think a better explanation of the purpose of this book is needed. This book's purpose is to give a definition of the grammatical word with light information on that grammar point and refer you to the awesome explanation in several different books, including books you probably own. I found that I owned most of those books they referred ne too. 2. "Biblical Hebrew uses two different forms of relative complementizer' but then does not name them. I would have loved them to be named. I do highly recommend this resource otherwise. It does have lots of awesome features that will be helpful in my studies.I look forward to using my Logos software with all the features and books I own. I've been investing over many many years in Logos, and it has been a better investment then all the free books I got from amazon.
- The only resource I think needs slight improvement is the Faithlife Hebrew Ontology. 1. I think a better explanation of the purpose of this book is needed. This book's purpose is to give a definition of the grammatical word with light information on that grammar point and refer you to the awesome explanation in several different books, including books you probably own. I found that I owned most of those books they referred ne too. 2. "Biblical Hebrew uses two different forms of relative complementizer' but then does not name them. I would have loved them to be named. I do highly recommend this resource otherwise. It does have lots of awesome features that will be helpful in my studies.
- I own the other one version of this and was reviewing on the wrong page. But my review still stands because both versions contain some of the same books and the resource I refer to, is in both of them. Roll on Floor Laughter with Me! Thanks!
- I own another version, but will get this version in time. Why? If you know how to do research, then this bundle and the expense is worth it. If you do not know how to do research, then another, cheaper bundle, might be just as good. It depends upon your focus. Are you a pastor or a seminary student or intending to be a church leader in the future in a teaching capacity? Its worth the price! Its worth finding someone to teach you how to use the resource and do the research. The knowledge you glean from the Bible is greatly enhanced by reading the commentaries on those Bible passages. Sometimes you just need to read it from this authors point of view as opposed to that authors point of view, in order to understand the passage in a new light. Sometimes, reading the same view point written differently, will cause a lightbulb to go off in your head. This is why you ignore the cost, and just see if you can make those payments, then just go for it. Or, save up money every month and then after you've saved enough, then buy it. You won't be disappointed - especially if you go through their free tutorials, so that you can get the most out of Logos 8 Collector's Edition. Personally, I'd also add the Messianic Jewish Bundle too! Blessings!
- It is very good and well researched. It stays Biblical as well. I highly recommend reading all of this book and not just the preview. The writing is approachable to all and does contain transliteration. I do recommend this book for worship leaders and anyone who is in seminary or has gone to seminary.
- Why is there no "Add to Wish List" button on this page? I know its in development, but I refuse to "buy it with no previews". Also, why does most book's previews not Deut. 6:7? That is how I choose whether a book's exegesis on Deuteronomy is good or not. MOST translate "shinantam" as "teach" which is wrong, technically. Thanks! (And unless I get an email bringing me here, I guess I won't see the answer. lol