• I hate having to use Google rather than Logos, but isn't there a way just to view the map and scroll through different areas seeing everything in that site until there's something that I want to study? I know I can change the filters to choose which one small time frame to see at a moment, but I want to see ALL the things on the map unfiltered. Is there a way to "remove" all filters and see all the info that's available to me? Also, in the early church filter, there is no Athens. I found that odd. Am I using this tool incorrectly? Is there a better logos map that does the things I'm asking for? Thank you.
    1. I agree. I really struggle with Logos Maps. I'm a Mac user, maybe it works differently in Windows. I rarely find what I'm looking for.
    2. I agree also. Right now going from a verse to the related maps can be really slow and manual. But I still think the atlas can be remarkable It n just needs to get faster to load and faster to navigate. And maybe a bit prettier. Imagine if you can give it a scripture reference or a place name and then it shows you the possible locations and historical timeframes to choose from for a map. And so many more features could be overlayed - like pulling up all the related maps from your resources.
    3.  — Edited

      Logos maps are an excellent base platform but with almost no data being loaded into it to make it functional. The base functions of zooming in and out, terrain, menu selection, all that’s great! But rather than investing in Ai sermon illustration writing, I wish FL would simply invest into loading data into the atlas to make it a functional tool. :) I mean the car is built. Let’s drive it somewhere!
  • I currently own both the German and English atlas tools datasets and both dataset information appears in the tool. It would be helpful to be able to toggle between languages. I am also considering purchasing a logos Korean package; not sure if all three will appear in the tool? See attached example.
    1. How could it possibly be OK for the map re: tribal inheritances to leave off the name of at least one of the tribes!? (Asher at least is not labelled.)
      1. I think there's a minor error in the map for Paul and Barnabas to Derbe via Lystra. The map key has swapped the colors for the route from Iconium to Lystra and from Lystra to Derbe.
        1. To public

          Oddly, Jerusalem doesn't appear in many (any?) of the OT Atlas maps. E.g. in the "Biblical World -- United Kingdom" map, no matter the zoom level, Jerusalem never shows up. The Mount of Olives does, and the Gihon spring does, but not Jerusalem itself.
          1. (Here's screenshot of Jerusalem area at maximum zoom)
        2. I was looking at the "Jesus’ Birth and Circumcision" map, it looks like the route goes through Samaria, which looks like the shortest route, but did Jews not generally go the longer way around (possibly to the east?) to avoid going through through Samaria? I know Jesus did go into Samaria to speak to the woman at the well, but was this atypical?
          1. Thanks, that's really helpful 😀
        3.  — Edited

          Does anyone know how to make the Atlas rotate and also change the angle of view? I was watching Camp Logos from 2020 and Morris was able to do this but it doesn't work the way he said in my current version.
          1.  — Edited

            , from the Atlas Dataset Documentation , under Usage > Atlas > Map Navigation (https://ref.ly/logosres/cidbdocl6map1?art=art12): --- To rotate the map: • Shift + Hold Right Mouse Button + Move left or right or • Shift + Arrow Keys left or right To tilt the map: • Shift + Hold Right Mouse Button + Move up or down or • Shift + Arrow Keys up or down To repoint the map North: • Click on the arrow button below the zoom controls in the map window --- Note these controls only work in the desktop app: they're not currently available in the web app.
        4. What are the Link Sets in the Atlas tool and how do I find information on how to use them. Is it possible to show two maps overlayed on top of each other?
          1. You can use Link Sets throughout Logos to link two panels to scroll together: see https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016827711-Link-Sets. If you select link set B in Atlas, and the same link set in your preferred Bible, scrolling your Bible will show a selection of maps that include the same reference (but not necessarily just one, depending on the reference). > Is it possible to show two maps overlayed on top of each other? No, we don't currently provide that capability.
        5. App is saying Im not connected to the internet?? I am.
          1. LogosCEF.exe is not using the GPU (Windows 10 / NVidia) so the Atlas Tool is very sluggish. The Web app version is great.