Logos Information Tool
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss the Information tool.
Follow- Add being greyed out normally indicates you have included all of the sections (currently 9). Would that explain what you are seeing?
- That's it! Thanks Graham.
- I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I've found an error in the links in this paragraph: The popular early sage Ben Sira warned that if one takes vengeance, God will take vengeance for one’s sins (Sir 28:1), if one forgives others one will be forgiven by God (28:2), if one hates others one does not merit God’s pardon (28:3). Craig S. Keener, The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, (Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2009), 240. The links for Sir 28:2, 3 point to Matthew rather than Sirach.
- This is outlined and described at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015718071-Information-Tool
- Hi there - as I'm reading Greek or Hebrew, I am finding the Information Tool really helpful. However, there is about half a second's pause before the information appears when I click on a word in my text. This contrasts with instant information in e.g. Accordance's live click feature. I prefer the info and look of the Logos version, but the delay becomes a problem. Is there a way of fixing this?
- In the "Information" box there is great information! In the "Other References" section there are references to "Figure of Speech" however the links are not active. I have opened a case on this and spoken to numerous people about this problem; no one seems to have an answer. How do I make those links live to books like Bullinger's Figures of Speech? Notice in the picture, those are not 'blue' or live links.
- I'd like to add a basic English dictionary word explanation to it. Toady I used the info tool to look up the word "haste". As in, to make haste. I didn't know what that meant, and the info tool wasn't a massive help. So I had to google it. - excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
- Fuzzy Turtle, thanks for the suggestion. It's a good one. I'll pass it along to the team. The Information tool provides information on the underlying Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic word for Bibles with reverse interlinears. But I can see how having info on the English would also be useful. In the mean time, if you want to look up an English word, there are a few ways to do that. 1. Double-click on the word (assuming you don't have the Prefer Lemmas setting set to YES). 2. Select the word and choose Look up from the selection menu. 3. Right click on the word and choose Look up on the right side of the context menu. 4. Type look up haste into the Go box. cc: Mark Barnes (Faithlife)
- When I hover over a verse it always gives me the Greek text verse. How do I change to the NASB when I hover over a verse? This is when I am looking at the commentaries section.
- You need to ensure NASB is prioritised over youur Greek texts. See https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019683652-Prioritize-Resources for guidance on doing this.
- Newbie question / feature request if not possible. The information tool is very helpful but I do have one question. I just hovered over the word 'imitate' (Heb 13), and up popped the Gk word mimos - which I'm guessing is where we get our word 'mimic' from. Very useful information! But when I go to copy/paste the Greek word from the definition into my notes, I can't find a way. I have to open the dictionary in a pane and then copy it. Seems like an unnecessary extra click and you end up with extra panes open I don't want...I see there is a copy button at the top but it copies the whole thing...
Adam Borries (Logos) — Edited
Thanks for the question, Peter. If you right-click the section header, you will have an option to copy the contents of only that section.