Logos Personal Books Tool
Discussion Topic • Bellingham, WA • 1 member • 73 followers
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss the Personal Books tool.
Follow- Hi, I am having difficulty in adding a docx file to one of my already built personal books. I previously built the book and afterwards try to add an additional docx file using the add file button and then get an error when I click on build book: [Info] Starting build for PBB:32deb19179f84b48b423840b438c3e5c [Error] Error while building book: Could not remove existing book. Please close all other open panels and try again. [Error] Exception: LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookBuilderException: Could not remove existing book. Please close all other open panels and try again. at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookConverter.CreatePersonalBookWork(PersonalBook book, PersonalBookBuilderViewModel model, PersonalBookViewModel bookViewModel, IPersonalBookBuildLog buildLog)+MoveNext() at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNext() at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNextWithCatch() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkItem.Verify() at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookViewModel.CreatePersonalBookWork(PersonalBook book, PersonalBookBuilderViewModel bookBuilderViewModel, PersonalBookViewModel bookViewModel)+MoveNext() == I dont have any other instances of logos running and all open tabs are closed except for personal books tab I am trying to edit. What am I doing wrong?
- Nothing. This is happening when building PBs. You simply need to restart Logos, then it's good again.
- I am looking for something like the personal books tool but in a work environment. I work in construction with a bunch of PDFs and codes and I would love to be able to search and work with them like I can with Bible resources in Logos...I know it's a bit off topic but I am drawing a blank where to even start searching.
- Load the PDFs into Microsoft OneNote and it will search all of them
- The book need to be in .docx format. That's it. After that adding to your library is easy using PBB tool. (Personal Book Builder )
- Hi Robert, there are many reasons why books are not available - mostly it comes down to the publishers and their moneymaking schemes. It is very rare that Logos makes books unavailable that they could sell to customers - those few cases are almost always discussed in the user forums. If a book is deemed outside of the possible catalog (and, as I said, that's very rare), it will no longer be listed. So if you see books listed but can't buy them, it is most often a case of territorial publishing rights (i.e. geo-restrictions). Non-US customers see this regularly, US customers only in a few cases, I think. I understand that it makes for a frustrating experience. Maybe it would be better to leave a comment on the product page of the specific book (like: "I like the subject/author/... and would like to buy it but it seems I can't") than here - especially since this group is for discussion of the PB tool where we make our own books to include into Logos. So if you can get that book you like in another electronic format and convert to MS Word docx format, you'll be able to build your own version of it and read it in Logos.
- Hi everyone, I have a lot of notes captured "outside" of Logos that I want to start to migrate in. From what I can tell, the Personal Books feature seems to be the best option to do this. Does anyone know if the created and uploaded books are private, or are they publically visible? Thanks!
- They are private. Uploading them is a technical way to sync them between multiple desktop instances of Logos/Verbum. No other user can see those (or even know they exist).
- Great, thanks NB. I'm definitely more than willing to share, but was hesitant to do so on a personal book that I may not have all the ideas fully developed, or even correct. Thanks for the help!
- I created a couple of PBs of sermons that I want to use in a study. It seemed like it would a great thing. Then I found out they aren't supported on mobile or web. Perhaps a stupid question but what is the purpose of a PB if you can't access it on mobile or web? If I can't access it when away from my desk then it's of very little use to me.
- Is there a way to create a Table of content heading that won't show up in the book. For example if we look at ESV Bible we can see in the Table of contents, chapter 1, chapter 2 etc... But that won't show up inside the Bible window. I'm trying to create a bible for my language. So i can use it like that
- Thank you brother. I'll mail you now. Did the Bible show correct font now?
- Yes Bro! Thanks a ton for your kind help! Am attaching it here, in case, it would be helpful to some one needing a Tamil Bible for Logos.
- Python Script to build a docx from a bible text stored in a SQLite db. Thanks to ChatGPT import sqlite3 import re from docx import Document from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE from docx.shared import Pt from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT book_names = { 0: 'Genesis', 1: 'Exodus', 2: 'Leviticus', 3: 'Numbers', 4: 'Deuteronomy', 5: 'Joshua', 6: 'Judges', 7: 'Ruth', 8: '1 Samuel', 9: '2 Samuel', 10: '1 Kings', 11: '2 Kings', 12: '1 Chronicles', 13: '2 Chronicles', 14: 'Ezra', 15: 'Nehemiah', 16: 'Esther', 17: 'Job', 18: 'Psalms', 19: 'Proverbs', 20: 'Ecclesiastes', 21: 'Song of Solomon', 22: 'Isaiah', 23: 'Jeremiah', 24: 'Lamentations', 25: 'Ezekiel', 26: 'Daniel', 27: 'Hosea', 28: 'Joel', 29: 'Amos', 30: 'Obadiah', 31: 'Jonah', 32: 'Micah', 33: 'Nahum', 34: 'Habakkuk', 35: 'Zephaniah', 36: 'Haggai', 37: 'Zechariah', 38: 'Malachi', 39: 'Matthew', 40: 'Mark', 41: 'Luke', 42: 'John', 43: 'Acts', 44: 'Romans', 45: '1 Corinthians', 46: '2 Corinthians', 47: 'Galatians', 48: 'Ephesians', 49: 'Philippians', 50: 'Colossians', 51: '1 Thessalonians', 52: '2 Thessalonians', 53: '1 Timothy', 54: '2 Timothy', 55: 'Titus', 56: 'Philemon', 57: 'Hebrews', 58: 'James', 59: '1 Peter', 60: '2 Peter', 61: '1 John', 62: '2 John', 63: '3 John', 64: 'Jude', 65: 'Revelation' } # Global variables to track the current book name and chapter current_book_number = None current_chapter = None current_book_name = '' # This will hold the current book name # Connect to your SQLite database conn = sqlite3.connect('holybible.db') cursor = conn.cursor() # Create a new Document doc = Document() # Define the styles for the text book_style = doc.styles.add_style('BookStyle', WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH) book_style.font.name = 'Arial' book_style.font.size = Pt(14) book_style.font.bold = True verse_style = doc.styles.add_style('VerseStyle', WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH) verse_style.font.name = 'Times New Roman' verse_style.font.size = Pt(12) # Function to sanitize text for XML compatibility def sanitize_for_xml(text): # Remove control characters except for tab (0x09), newline (0x0A), and carriage return (0x0D) return re.sub(r'[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]+', '', text) # Function to add book heading def add_book_heading(book_number): book_name = book_names.get(book_number, f'Unknown Book {book_number}') doc.add_heading(book_name, level=1).alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.CENTER # Function to add chapter subsection def add_chapter_subsection(book_number, chapter): book_name = book_names.get(book_number, f'Unknown Book {book_number}') chapter_subheading_text = f'{book_name} {chapter}' doc.add_heading(chapter_subheading_text, level=2).alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.LEFT # Function to add a verse to the document with proper formatting def add_verse(chapter, verse_count, verse_text): try: reference = f'[[@Bible:{current_book_name} {chapter}:{verse_count}]]' field_on = '{{field-on:bible}}' field_off = '{{field-off:bible}}' cleaned_text = sanitize_for_xml(verse_text) p = doc.add_paragraph(style='VerseStyle') # Add the reference and make verse number superscript p.add_run(reference) verse_number_run = p.add_run(str(verse_count)) verse_number_run.font.superscript = True # Add the verse content with field markers # p.add_run(f' {field_on} {cleaned_text} {field_off}') p.add_run(f' {field_on} {verse_text} {field_off}') except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred with {current_book_name} {chapter}:{verse_count}: {e}") print(f"Verse text causing error: {verse_text}") # Main loop to process database rows cursor.execute('SELECT Book, Chapter, Versecount, verse FROM bible ORDER BY Book, Chapter, Versecount') rows = cursor.fetchall() print(f"Total rows fetched: {len(rows)}") # To confirm that rows are being fetched for row in rows: book_number, chapter, verse_count, verse = row # print(f"Processing Book: {book_number}, Chapter: {chapter}, Verse: {verse_count}") # Debug info # Check if we've moved to a new book if book_number != current_book_number: current_book_number = book_number current_book_name = book_names.get(book_number, f'Unknown Book {book_number}') print(".") print(current_book_name, end=" ") add_book_heading(book_number) # Add book heading at level 1 current_chapter = None # Reset current chapter when new book begins # Check if we've moved to a new chapter if chapter != current_chapter: current_chapter = chapter print(current_chapter, end=" ") add_chapter_subsection(book_number, chapter) # Add chapter subsection at level 2 # Add verses as usual, now without passing the book_number add_verse(chapter, verse_count, verse) # Save the document doc.save('output.docx') # Close the database connection conn.close()