• Welcome! This is a group for Logos Bible Software users to discuss Reading Plans: get help, share tips, make suggestions, share plans, etc.
  • Could we please please please add an option to have a reading plan with a "Bi-weekly" radio button added to the plan? This will work well for classes bi-weekly to teach a curriculum.
    1. Pending such a new feature, you are aware you can do it yourself with the custom reading plan option - right?
    2. I tried that by selecting the "At my own pace" & "custom" radio buttons. I tried the custom as well but appears I have to go back and forth with it. Can you send me your ideas on how I can effectively do that? If not, I can continue to do it as is; Just thought perhaps since you had a "weekday" button a Bi-weekly would be befitting. Shawn Grubbs sent me the way, but I did not want to do that but it's ok. A little work but OK! (Smile).
    3. Here is how I would do it. It's a bit tedious, but the result is easy for all the users. Let's say you are leaing a group reading _Jesus as Hero - A Guided Literary Study of the Gospels_, and your class will meet every two weeks beginning July 1. 1. Open the book _Jesus as Hero_ 2. Open the new Reading Plan document by clicking Documents/New/Reading Plan. The reading plan document should now be on one side of your display, and the book on the other. 3. Select the Custom Reading Plan option. 4. Fill in the name Jesus as Hero 5. Select Read starting July 1 with [I've never created a group for a reading plan, but the help documents tell you how. For now, set it up "By Myself" 6. Add reading session to July 1 7.a. In the open book highlight everything from Title Page through Summary b. In the reading plan form, click Choose an Open Book c. Select either line that pops up, and click Add Session. The reading plan should now show the reading assignment for July 1. 8. a. In the open book highlight all the material in the Introduction b. In the reading plan form fill in July 15 as Add Reading Session For c. Click Choose an Open Book d. Select either ling that pops up, and click Add Session The reading plan should now have two lines - one for July 1 and one for July 15. 9. Repeat for Chapters 1 through 9 10. Click Done. The reading plan should now have a reading assignment every two weeks beginning July 1, covering the entire book Jesus as Hero. Tedious to set up, but can be shared with others, edited as needed, etc. I hope this is helpful.
  • I just submitted through the help team a request to have an option placed in the bible reading plan to an option for Bi-weekly readings any day of the week. I hope they can add that option.
    1. Does anyone know why the newly added F260 Bible Reading plan that is set for five days a week with two off days or catchup days, is not setup that way in Logos? When I add this plan, it sets a reading for every day of the week, thus throwing off each week's reading schedule.
      1. I am reading through the 2024 Kingdom Bible Reading Plan, but is seems to skip from the 24th of each month to the last day. There are only 300 days of reading in the year. Is this on purpose? Thanks.
        1. My daily devotions routine includes reading one 8 verse section of Psalm 119 each day. When I have finished Psalm 119 I start over. I set up a custom reading plan for this, to keep track of where to read each day. Yesterday I completed the plan. I then opened the reading plan document and edited it, to show today as the new day to begin the plan. The plan now shows the new dates correctly, but each day's reading is already checked off as completed. Is there a way I can get those boxes unchecked? I have dealt with this in the past by deleting the completed plan and creating a new one from scratch, but this is an annoying waste of time, which is even worse for longer reading plans that I would like to repeat. Solution please?
          1. Found it. Hover over the "read" check mark, right click, and select "mark unread." You've got to do it for each day individually, but it sure beats re-entering the entire reading plan, especially a long one.
        2. In November I created my latest Chronological Bible reading plan (using EHV, though I doubt that matters in this). Today's reading completed Number 6, but tomorrow's jumps to Numbers 10. Numbers 9 showed up earlier in the listing chronologically, but Numbers 7-8 never appear in the listing. Is this a bug, or did mine just not populate those two chapters?
          1. How can I set up my reading plan?
            1.  — Edited

              my reading plan is set to the year 1900, I never set a date for it, how do I change the date to the year 2023 so the days of the month match up?
              1. I am trying to set up a reading plan with the Nouvelle Version Segond Révisée (Colombe 1978), but it keeps changing back to the ESV.
                1. I'm a bit confused. I've created a few reading plans, and I've made them public. To help explain, they are all versions of one another (Full plan, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4) so that a group I administer can read together. I don't want all of these showing up in my daily reading plans though, but it seems if I delete them from my documents, it deletes the public version of the plan to. Can someone help?