Logos Web App
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- How can we make the Logos web app better? Take the survey and let us know: https://goo.gl/forms/Tw5SonURX9CtIo233.
- Estoy buscando la Biblia de Estudio de la Vida Plena de la editorial Vida, la Biblia de la Profecía de Tim LaHaye y la Biblia de referencia Thompson con versículos en cadena temática. Estas biblias me gustaría tenerlas en mi software, espero comprarlas pronto o si alguien la tiene me la pude proporcionar para comprarla.
- Faith Wallace
- I’m new to this. I’m reading a treatise on Mariology that I purchased for my group, and there’s a lot of Latin words in it that are not translated. When I tap on the word, the iPad tells me to enable the language in settings, but there is no Latin dictionary there … so I downloaded a Latin dictionary app from SPQR but tapping the Latin text in Verbum still gives me the iPad error. Is there a way to integrate a Latin translator for such texts in the Verbum app? It’s a little clunky area in an otherwise nice product. Thanks.
- The Bible Word Study guide is now available on app.logos.com. Lemma section is the only implemented section with more to come soon.App.logos.comChristian resources and tools for in-depth study of the Christian faith—Logos helps you study and research the Bible on your Mac, PC, iOS, and Android devices.app.logos.com
- I am confused. First you dump my password and I no longer have the convenient access to Word SearchI have enjoyed for a number of years in reading from all the resources I enjoyed. Did Word Search make changes that I am obviously unaware of?
- Understand the intent behind voice searches. Voice search users often look for quick, concise answers. Tailor https://topoffshoresportsbooks.com/ your content to meet these needs effectively.