Logos Workflows
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss Workflows.
Follow- If I am wanting to make my own workflow that is similar to the Expository Sermon Preparation workflow (from which I want many of the steps but not all) how can I go about editing it? OR how can I clone it and then make modifications?
- I can't find any way to make a copy of a workflow (either a stock workflow provided through Logos, or your own custom workflow) - that would be a VERY helpful feature. I think the only way to do what you want is to open the stock Expository Sermon Prep workflow in one tab (as your "source"), then create your own custom workflow in a separate tab, and then find the steps in the source that are useful to you, and add them to your custom workflow. And I'm not sure that all Logos users are able to create and edit custom workflows – I think I read somewhere that you need "Silver" or above for that.
- I have been building an index to the public workflows in Logos. In doing so I have found a number of personal copies of public workflows and many test workflows that are not useful - one has nothing more than a title. If you are responsible for any of these, please clean them up - make them private, group, or delete as appropriate. I would also be interested what workflows you wish were available when you look at the wide array of what is available. And if you wish I organized the index in another way. Thanks.
- is there any way to put specific resources into workflows like "step 3. Pull notes from the ESV Exegetical Commentary", and have only the option to pick that one resource instead of trying to find it in the big list of commentaries?
- can you please help me find the other workflows. I can only see the 'Basic Bible study' and 'devotional' under my workflow dropdown menu on the home page.
Phil Gons (Logos) — Edited
Bernice Tamakloe, the free version (https://www.logos.com/free-edition) includes only a couple of workflows. Our paid packages include more. You might consider Fundamentals (https://www.logos.com/fundamentals), which adds a couple more or one of our full packages (https://www.logos.com/compare/featuresets/Logos%20Feature%20Sets), which include 9, 15, 22, and 23.- We also have many of them available for standalone purchase: https://www.logos.com/search?query=title%3Aworkflow&sortBy=Bestselling&limit=30&page=1&ownership=all&geographicAvailability=availableToMe
- Workflow: Basic Bible Study. I noticed under "1. Read Your Passage," "more," then "Further Reading," the link goes to the third edition of "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth" instead of the fourth edition (same issue with 2. "Read the Passage in Other Translations). Also, under "7. Determine Your Passage's Theological Principles," the further reading is an old edition of "Introduction to Biblical Interpretation," which leads to a dead link as Logos no longer offers that version (it's the 3rd edition now). Is that on purpose? If not, would that be something that could be updated? As I recommend my students to use this feature and encourage them to purchase several of these books, it would be helpful if it went to the most recent version of the textbooks.
- Hi all. Ross from Perth in Scotland here. I was wondering if there was a way to create a link within a custom workflow to open a specific resource. For example setting the particular step to open the Dictionary of Biblical imagery? thanks in advance Ross
- Hi, Ross. I did this a year or so ago, and the details are fuzzy, but I think you'll find the information you need here: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022299852-How-do-I-create-links-to-content-in-Logos- I'm pretty sure that I used the "L4" method referred to there.
- Is it possible in Logos 10 to specify a collection for the commentaries section in Workflows? This was initially discussed on the forums in 2018 and (if it hasn't been implemented yet) this feature request needs more votes: https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-desktop-app/posts/specify-a-collection-for-the-commentaries-section-in-workflows Basically, this would allow Workflows to specify specific commentaries (or more accurately a type of commentary) to reference during specific Workflow steps.Give feedback and suggest new ideas for Faithlife.Give feedback and suggest new ideas for Faithlife.feedback.faithlife.com
- In Logos 10, when you click the 3 dots in upper right, does not allow edit. Where is the edit process located currently.
- If it is owned by Logos, then they do not allow for editing on their workflows. I do not know if we as consumers have the ability to do so on workflows we create. I do not know all of the ins and outs of the workflows, I am merely going by my experience personally.