• I have a question for offline use. I’ve downloaded all my resources to my iPad, but when I do a search without an internet connection, it tells me I have to be online. Is it possible to use Logos 10 completely offline?
    1. Well I have an older android tablet and I can't even use it at all. It won't download. I can't buy another tablet and I can't hold my Bible sometimes...they need to do something about that too
    2. The Android app does require Android 10 or higher. That might be the problem.
    3. Thanks, Mark. That is helpful.
  • I’m doing a study on “How to do a context of a book in the Bible. I’m studying the book of 1 Corinthians 11:27-33. Can you please lead me to a place in Logos to help me get started? Thank You Charles
    1. Laura, that is so exciting - enjoy! Morris is such a great teacher, as you know. I know you will love Camp Logos Inductive. When I originally took that course, I downloaded the syllabus, took it to Office Max, and had it printed and coil bound. That was very helpful because I used it to follow along and take notes as I learned all along the way. You are going to have so much fun and are going to learn more than you can imagine. Blessings, Catherine
    2. Catherine, I've already started watching and it is so nice to see and hear Morris again (although I love Josh as well)! That's a great idea to have the syllabus bound. Thanks!
    3.  — Edited

      That is so exciting Laura! You are in for a treat. Have fun! I'm getting ready to review my syllabus and notes from that course - it was just so good! Blessings to you :)
  • How can I get citations to show up in notes made in the Logos 10 mobile app (Android)? To clarify: If I copy a selection from a commentary, for example, and paste it into a note, I want the source information to be included, as it is in the full version of Logos 10.
    1. Hi Carrol. Currently this isn't a supported feature the way it works on the desktop app. However, if you select text from your resource and then choose to add a note from the pop-up menu, it will anchor the note to that resource so at least the association is there. You could also use the Clip option to create a clipping, which helps with citations as well for research/writing.
  • Sorry for the double post - not sure of the difference between this and MP Seminars online. I’m trying to figure out how to use a book like Exegetical Fallacies (EF) (Carson) in my studies. I would like to be able to do a word or lemma search that would bring up that book if appropriate. E.g. He talks about the fallacy of deriving ἀπόστολος (apostolos, apostle) from ἀποστέλλω (apostellō, I send). I go to a Bible, find apostle, and conduct a Context Menu search with the lemma. I have EG, a lexicon, and 4 Bibles open. I select Search “All Open”. I get results from the 4 Bibles, nothing else (why not the Lexicon which is open??). I select Search “Books”. I get a list of mainly Bibles, Lexicons, books with Greek text, and "Wordplay in the Bible". I select Search “All” and after 5 minutes of scrolling I still haven’t seen a reference to EF. Of course, searching EF specifically finds two references. I wonder if there is an old Morris video where he would say “I got this question...” and then explain how to do something like this.
    1. Very Good! Thanks Josh.
    2. Hey Burton, I'm glad you got your answer from Joshua. I wanted to help you concerning one of the comments you put in your original post. You said that Carson, "...talks about the fallacy of deriving ἀπόστολος (apostolos, apostle) from ἀποστέλλω (apostellō, I send)." If you reread his comments, you'll see that he is not making a statement about the etymology of apostolos, rather he is warning against a "False statement", that being "finding" apostello in John 20:21 when it does not exist in that verse. He says, "The only problem is that the second verb in the sentence from John 20:21 is not ἀποστέλλω (apostellō) but πέμπω (pempō)..." I hope this clears up a bit of misunderstanding for you on your study project. Blessings - Jeff G.
    3. Thanks Jeffrey. I probably condensed what I was looking for too much for brevity purposes. I remember growing up and hearing a pastor say exactly what Carson pointed out in "The root fallacy" (p.28). That has always stuck in my mind; apostle means 'sent one'. Thanks to Carson's book I know better than to say "προσκυνέω" means 'to kiss towards'.
  • I love this group and thread. Joshua and the team at MP Seminars are always showing us new ways to get the most out of Logos with the latest features. This helps us update Logos-leveraged courses at Redemption Seminary. Students who have training through MP Seminars have a leg up in these courses. The latest big news for Redemption is that the seminary is now accredited. https://redemption.edu/redemption-blog/accredited Redemption Seminary uses Logos like no other seminary. --It is the only seminary that uses Mobile Ed for its lecture content and has assignments that leverage Logos in every course. --With its innovative model students can work at their own pace, yet there is also a strong relational element because students work with mentor-scholars of their choosing for each course in 1:1 live meetings. Their work is assessed in conversations rather than high-stakes exams. In this way, it is made for adults to earn a master's degree without adding stress to their busy lives. Let us know what you think of this model.
    1. Do they offer online programs?
    2. Yes. I should have mentioned that all of the courses and programs are 100% online. The program was designed (pre-covid) to make the most of digital opportunities rather than retrofit a classroom model to be online. It is designed to have students apply what they learn in their local ministry service and use their current experiences as source material for their final project. The model has an apprenticeship approach so it has immediate benefits to what students are doing and helps them get academic credit for this service and growth.
  • When setting up a reading plan for a book (not a Bible) with a specific start and end date, is there a way to prevent the reading plan from breaking your reading where it breaks at headings or sub-headings? In setting one up, there are times where it breaks in the middle of a sentence (obviously not ideal place to end a reading) or a sometimes just a sentence or two from a heading that will start another idea (again, not a good place for end a reading). Is there a way to control this?
    1. are you part of the Proclaim group, too? If so, go to Groups > Proclaim and set your notification preferences on that group (it should be towards the top of the page, looks a bit like a post, but click to expand).
    2. No - I am a lay person and don't use Proclaim. I just don't like having to wade through all the Proclaim questions to find the Logos questions. That's why I think separate emails would be helpful for those who only have Logos.
    3. Hmm. You should be able to control which emails you get. Try adjusting here: https://faithlife.com/account/edit/notifications
  • I set up a set of visual filters for major words and phrases in Isaiah. However, I forgot to add "pride OR arrogance" as a search string in that filter. How can I reopen the filter to add that string?
    1. Hi Steven, You can access Visual Filters through Documents. Each may be opened for any changes.
    2. Hello Steven, Open your Documents and click 'Type' and select 'Visual Filter' and from the resultant list find your Isaiah filter. Open it and put in your edit. It saves automatically.
    3. Both of those responses are correct. It's a little confusing sometimes because visual filters are checkboxes in the visual filters menu that can be applied--but they come from lots of places (datasets, notes, etc.). However, you are creating a visual filter that gets saved as a document, which is why its accessible there and can be applied using the visual filters icon (looks like 3 cannonballs stacked). Thanks to and for the assist!
  • O.K., I went and got the ten bucks a month Pro Plan. I love the searches that you get in the pro plan. They are worlds ahead of the regular searches. I highly recommend going pro if you can see a way to get the ten bucks. You will not look back if you do.
    1. Amen
    2. So, I’m leaning towards going with the Logos Pro subscription but I’m still uncertain. $9.99/mo is not bad but accumulated subscriptions add up pretty quick. My question is concerning the “early” in early access. Does this indicate there is a time limit involved? If I hesitate too long is the $9.99/month price likely to increase?
    3. - It's hard to know what the future will hold here, as Logos has done a lot of testing, user feedback phases, etc. Yet, many questions are unanswered for now (though I suspect in coming months it will become increasingly clear). That said, we'd recommend giving the free trial a shot, then see if you think it's worth the subscription cost to gain access to those features. Then if anything changes you already have some exposure and experience using those features to make a better value judgement.
  • I'm trying to do a "search syntax" for places where Jesus went and was interactive with people in those places. Ex. Matt: 20- Jesus heals the two blind men.
    1. Hi Marcus. You might start with the Bible Browser tool, which allows you to use the filters on the left side for all kinds of things. Biblical people/places, combining the use of those filters with datasets like speaker and addressee. If you're a subscriber to mpseminars.com we have a great session on using the Bible Browser in Camp Logos for Logos 10. You can also do a Bible search with terms like place:Jerusalem AND person:Jesus (which will show you verses that include both tags). Lots of advanced techniques can be used in searching, which is covered in Camp Logos 2 for Logos 10, also available to our subscribers.