• When does the early-bird pricing end for the Camp Logos in December?
    1. Thanks. The question I was asking was when the early bird pricing ends and the price goes up. I'm considering registering but want to know how long I have to think about it.
    2. … that link to the December event doesn’t have any pricing options for the online attendance. Will you be offering early-bird half-off for that? 🙏
  • Hi, does each resource have both a scroll setting as well as a page-turn setting? And how does one adjust the speed of scrolling (this one book I have moves way too fast and I need to slow it down). And my bible can only be scrolled (is there a way to page up-down?)
    1. Question…from my logos app on my iPhone, i copy and paste a scripture passage to text but when I paste the verse numbers are removed. Is there a setting to change that will keep or remove verse number references? Thanks 📖🙏🏼💙
      1. Yes, James, there is. When you highlight the text you'll see a selection box at the bottom headed Copy. You may have inadvertently selected text only. Deselect that option and your problem should be solved. I hope this helps. Peace.
    2. Has anyone made the jump to macOS Sequoia? Any bugs?
      1. Good day. I have been running logos on both my 2019 Intel Mac and my m2 Mac. Both are on sequoia and I don't recall any issues.
      2. Logos on iPad is fantastic to preach or teach from using the Preach feature.
      3. thank you!
    3. A question for Logos teachers and fellow users: When I have my preferred Bible open, how do I scroll other 200+ Bibles I have while having my preferred Bible open (i.e., while I have my preferred Bible open, do I open another tab and able to just scroll different translations - not just my favorites? In Camp Logos, the speaker was looking for a non-linear Bible to compare the translations and being able to search the English word rather than the Lemma. I'm not sure my laptop has this function...it just seemed that the presenter was able to "toggle" or "arrow" through things. #HeyArt
      1. If you want to keep your preferred Bible open, but still scroll through the rest of your Bibles you can: 1. Open up two panels with Bibles inside. 2. The second Bible panel you can use your keys on your keyboard to score through all of your Bibles in your library. (note) after prioritizing resources, a.k.a. your first five bibles that will control the order they will appear in
      2. I would say I find the text comparison very helpful, also you could link the tabs together, so they will stay with the primary translation tab.
      3. Thanks Timothy --- I missed the feature that double-clicking the current bible to open your next preferred bible. This is good to know. 🙂
    4. does anyone know when the mpseminar webinar for logos 10 starts on the west coast. the website states the seminar starts at 0830 ET so what about PT? any help would be most appreciated
      1. 0830 Eastern time is 0530 Pacific time. I’m in Oregon, so I feel your pain! 😏
    5. Is there a way to create a dashboard item or something that shows the Psalm of the day?
      1. If you have a resource like a lectionary or calendar devotional that shows that, you could make a layout for that resource and add a card for the layout. I'm not sure there is another way.
    6. I'm going through the online training, and am at the power search lesson. He has us type the following into the search: type:commentary AND subject:gal I get an error, 'Unknown keyword:subject'. Anyone have an idea as to why this search doesn't work?
      1. Hi Eddie! If you're going through Camp Logos on the subscription site -- this will be VERY similar to the Camp you'll experience next month. As to your question--it's one many folks have had. Here's a video that should help clear it up: https://www.loom.com/share/038257bbc8e54c57b2839dac71f0b5a5?sid=17dcf707-7f0c-4362-9ed4-a4a1b128f39a
      2. Awesome! Thanks Joshua. That was exactly the issue I was having and the solution I needed.
      3. I think the disconnect you're having is "where" you're doing this search. Let me explain... This is meant to NARROW the search to only books that are "commentaries" and contain "Galatians". In the picture you posted you're putting this into the actual "search box"... Instead, click the blue text above it, currently listed as "commentaries" it will give you a drop down box, in that box put, type:commentaries AND subject:galatians. Once typed in, the drop down will give you options, select the top option which will give you all your books that are commentaries and contain the subject of Galatians. You will then see the area currently listed "commentaries" in the above picture change. Now enter WHAT you want to search for within those NARROWED group of books in search bar (the one you're currently trying to type in) it will only search those limited books. I hope I'm explaing that in a way that makes sense... Hope that helps.
    7. So - who’s signed up to attend the Camp in Sept in person? Let’s meet up and lunch together!
      1. Bless you Jim and Josh I can see him and everything works
      2. Great to meet everyone. Day 1 of Camp Logos was great, so looking forward to tomorrow!
      3. I had a few questions answered, and learned a few new things as well!
    8. Hello! I am new to MPSeminars and have gone through the Quickstart for Logos 10 course, but I have a question: I have, in my library, a daily devotional called Experiencing God Day by Day, and have prioritized it, but when I try to add it as a card in the dashboard of my Home page, it doesn't show up in the list of daily devotionals. How do I get that book to show up? Thanks!
      1. Thank you everyone! The layout option worked perfectly!
      2. I would like to download all my books… how do I do that?
      3.  — Edited

        Which platform are you looking at? In Windows I think all resources are always downloaded (they are for me anyway). That is not the case in the iOS or Android app, but that would fill all available memory so I am glad to be able to work in the cloud, although less is possible than with the Windows desktop. But for Windows it might depend on your program settings.