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Follow- Sunday 3-2-2025 Pastor Kennard Weever Theme: Transformation 2025 Series: Disruptive-Go, Gather, Grow Whatever It Takes Sermon: When it’s not in the Cards Scripture: Esther 1:1-22 King Ahasuerus hosted a banquet that lasted seven days for the people who were present in Shushan the Citadel, from great to small, in the court of the king’s palace garden. Also, Queen Vashti hosted a banquet for the women in the royal palace. On the seventh day when the king was merry with wine, he commanded his seven eunuchs to bring Queen Vashti before him. Queen Vashti was supposed to wear her royal crown and show off her beauty to the people and officials. Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command. The king was furious, and his anger burned within him. It was not in the cards (no, not this time) for Queen Vashti to appear before the king. She had calculated the risks, but she still took a stand. Queen Vashti broke the status quo by refusing to be paraded before the king, his officials, and all the other men. During King Ahasuerus’ reign, women were seen and not heard, submissive and obedient to their husbands. Queen Vashti cared about her integrity more than her position and men’s approval. Esther would’ve never become queen if Queen Vashti did not refuse the king’s request. She stepped aside and made room for Esther. We can’t attain what other have because it may not be in the cards for us. What King Jesus has for us; he is making room for us. It’s in the cards for us. King Jesus has need of us. He is the only one who we can please. What will you do when it’s not in the cards for you? All live services are now streaming on: Faith Life, One Life Church’s website (https://www.Onelifega.org) and YouTube (One Life Church GA) Please like and share these videos with the following hashtags: #ILoveMyOneLife #letsdolifetogether One Life Church appreciates your support!!One Life Church, GAA WAY OF LIFE REFRESHING PEOPLE | PURPOSE | PROMISE & POTENTIAL Contact Us 7 IMAGINE A CHURCH Geared towards… OUR GENERATION | OUR ISSUES | OUR NEEDS – yet guided by the timeless truths of God & Faith. IMAGINE A CHURCH WHERE PEOPLE CAN ASK ANY QUESTION PROCESS THEIR BELIEFS DISCOVER WHO GOD REALLY I…www.onelifega.org
- Sunday 2-23-2025 Pastor Kennard Weever Theme: Transformation 2025 Series: Disruptive-Go, Gather, Grow Whatever It Takes Sermon: Hang Tough Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (Verse 7) How do you handle life when you are stressed out? You must “Hang Tough!” You must stay, live, and deal with it. How to Hang Tough: 1. BEARS All Things- You must learn to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Your strength comes from the Lord. You must bear it even under pressure. 2. BELIEVE All Things- You must learn to believe in all things (Loss/Gain or Good/Bad Days). You must learn to recount past blessings. Faith is believing and having complete trust in God’s Word and God’s Work. His word and work will never change or stop even if you have things going on in your life. You must Walk with the Lord and learn to follow His example. 3. HOPE All Things-It may appear as if the enemy is winning, but God is in control. You will always have access to God. You must learn to hang tough and keep or hold onto Hope. 4. ENDURES All Things-Loving people through hard times will be your greatest test. Sometimes God brings people into your life that will give you pain. Love Endures All Things. You must ask and allow God to give you a bigger heart, so that you don’t fail the test. You must learn to hang tough and hang on in there. Where is the Church? We shouldn’t just only appear for the “Show”. We should act like the people that God has created for us to be. It is going to get tough but hang tough. We must grab ahold of our faith. No matter what happens, we must stay (stick) with God and never let Him go. All live services are now streaming on: Faith Life, One Life Church’s website (https://www.Onelifega.org) and YouTube (One Life Church GA) Please like and share these videos with the following hashtags: #ILoveMyOneLife #letsdolifetogether One Life Church appreciates your support!!One Life Church, GAA WAY OF LIFE REFRESHING PEOPLE | PURPOSE | PROMISE & POTENTIAL Contact Us 7 IMAGINE A CHURCH Geared towards… OUR GENERATION | OUR ISSUES | OUR NEEDS – yet guided by the timeless truths of God & Faith. IMAGINE A CHURCH WHERE PEOPLE CAN ASK ANY QUESTION PROCESS THEIR BELIEFS DISCOVER WHO GOD REALLY I…www.onelifega.org
- It is going to get tough but hang tough. We must grab ahold of our faith.
- Sunday 2-16-2025 Pastor Kennard Weever Theme: Transformation 2025 Series: Disruptive-Go, Gather, Grow Whatever It Takes Remarks: This Too It is no longer about leading, guiding, and directing a nation. It is now all about one narcissistic individual. America wanted a king, and God gave us a king. Kings can make laws, but not outside the kingship of God. God will always be God. Sometimes we have to deal with crisis that come one after another. We have to deal with “This Too”. When the pressure gets tough, we may question where God is or if we are serving a God who gives and then takes away. Job didn’t like what was happening to him, but he didn’t curse God (Job 1:21 and Job 2:9). Who is the King of Glory? The Lord, STRONG and MIGHTY, is the King of Glory (Psalm 24:7-10). God is the creator and owner of Heaven, Earth, and everything else in between (Psalm 24:1-10). We are stewards and borrowers of the Earth. What do you do when you have trouble all around you? Your help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121). You must first have a will to lift up your head and eyes to the hills. God will show up and stand in the trouble with you. He has you in the palm of his hands. The King of Glory will catch you and hold (lift up) both you and your trouble (issues and challenges). Sometimes God doesn’t always come and make your issues or challenges to go away. You may be broken, bruised, and battered but you are not destroyed. You will never be alone. “This Too” shall pass. All live services are now streaming on: Faith Life, One Life Church’s website (https://www.Onelifega.org) and YouTube (One Life Church GA) Please like and share these videos with the following hashtags: #ILoveMyOneLife #letsdolifetogether One Life Church appreciates your support!!One Life Church, GAA WAY OF LIFE REFRESHING PEOPLE | PURPOSE | PROMISE & POTENTIAL Contact Us 7 IMAGINE A CHURCH Geared towards… OUR GENERATION | OUR ISSUES | OUR NEEDS – yet guided by the timeless truths of God & Faith. IMAGINE A CHURCH WHERE PEOPLE CAN ASK ANY QUESTION PROCESS THEIR BELIEFS DISCOVER WHO GOD REALLY I…www.onelifega.org
- You will never be alone. “This Too” shall pass.
- Sunday 2-9-2025 Pastor Kennard Weever Theme: Transformation 2025 Series: Disruptive- Go, Gather, Grow Whatever It Takes Sermon: Disruptive Assignment-whose line is it anyway? Scripture: Amos 7:7-15 We are living in highly sensitive times where we have to evaluate our choices, attitude, decisions, and commitments every day. Life is full of choices; we choose how we will “Run the Play” (the contract that God has for us). God is obligated to run the play with us, but we choose if we will accept and receive his guidance. We choose if we will be a hindrance or help. Amos was a sheep breeder who was chosen and called by God to speak to the people of Northern Israel. King Jeroboam was out of order, he established idol worship of Baal. The people of Northern Israel forgot about God and lacked accountability. Amos gave a message of conviction to the people. Sometimes our government and our lives can be out of order. We may not hold ourselves accountable. We may not pray to God and spend time in His word. We may worship idols (false gods). Whose line is it anyway? Whose line (standards) do you measure yourself by? What is God’s line? God knows that we struggle and have crooked walls and tough roads. It may be uncomfortable for us to be alone with God because it means we must come into the light. We must come face to face with our sin. We may take on the attitude of the situations in our lives. We may create impromptu characters with many different personalities. We won’t know who we are anymore. We may wear our Christianity like a garment. It is lights, camera, and action for our Christianity. We are superman or superwoman with everyone, but we fall short with God. We are afraid or ashamed to acknowledge God because it is too risky. You are Built “God Tough”. You are built like The Tower of Pisa. You will continue to lean in God’s direction for as long as you are leaning on him, and he remains your firm foundation. You will always be on God’s winning team because He is on your side. Whose line is it anyway? Whose line are you desperate to live by the world or God? All live services are now streaming on: Faith Life, One Life Church’s website (https://www.Onelifega.org) and YouTube (One Life Church GA) Please like and share these videos with the following hashtags: #ILoveMyOneLife #letsdolifetogether One Life Church appreciates your support!!One Life Church, GAA WAY OF LIFE REFRESHING PEOPLE | PURPOSE | PROMISE & POTENTIAL Contact Us 7 IMAGINE A CHURCH Geared towards… OUR GENERATION | OUR ISSUES | OUR NEEDS – yet guided by the timeless truths of God & Faith. IMAGINE A CHURCH WHERE PEOPLE CAN ASK ANY QUESTION PROCESS THEIR BELIEFS DISCOVER WHO GOD REALLY I…www.onelifega.org
- Whose line is it anyway? Whose line are you desperate to live by the world or God?
- One Life church hosted our Black Excellence service on February 2, 2025. Rev. Fayleen Thompson, One Life’s Praise and Worship team, and Guest Soloist Latanja Melton ushered the congregation into a time of prayer and worship. Also, The D.R.E.A.M Center dancers blessed the congregation with a dance performance. Pastor Kennard Weever and One Life Church congratulated Ms. Erma Dionne Davis (Director of the South Gwinnett High School Orchestra), Ms. Chantele Rountree (The Founder and Director of the D.R.E.A.M Center), and Ms. Christina Brantley (a Midtown Atlanta Public School Social and Emotional Counselor) for being the recipients of One Life’s Black Excellence awards. All live services are now streaming on: Faith Life, One Life Church’s website (https://www.Onelifega.org) and YouTube (One Life Church GA) Please like and share these videos with the following hashtags: #ILoveMyOneLife #letsdolifetogether One Life Church appreciates your support!!One Life Church, GAA WAY OF LIFE REFRESHING PEOPLE | PURPOSE | PROMISE & POTENTIAL Contact Us 7 IMAGINE A CHURCH Geared towards… OUR GENERATION | OUR ISSUES | OUR NEEDS – yet guided by the timeless truths of God & Faith. IMAGINE A CHURCH WHERE PEOPLE CAN ASK ANY QUESTION PROCESS THEIR BELIEFS DISCOVER WHO GOD REALLY I…www.onelifega.org