I have purchased your Identity in Christ course. I am struggling a bit with something you said. It probably requires more explanation. You said, "Everything about me, from the time I was an embryo until now, has all been planned out by God—every day written down before there were any days at all"
If you are referring to "Who God created me to be" maybe OK; if "everything about me...has all been planned out by God", includes my sin, and the sin that others have perpetrated on me, that is a horrible thought, and very poor theology. Please help clarify. Thanks!
- Thanks for pointing this out, David. Of course, I don't men that God planned out my sin. I alone am responsible for my sin although I do need to say that God rules sovereignly over all things. Hope this helps!
- A good place to go in order to understand the Biblical doctrine of God's Decree would be the Westminster Confession of Faith - built upon and written under the scrutiny of the Holy Scriptures. See chapter 3, Of God's Eternal Decree. For example, it clearly states that, "God, from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass: yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established." Those are the qualifications needed. The Confession does not try to explain in greater detail what the Bible simply asserts as the truth. God ordained the sin of Adam, yet without being author of it, nor forcing him to do it, but had it carried out through secondary causes. Thanks for your true and accurate statement, Mrs. Fitzpatrick!