1. Of the three specific points Joby said we must watch out for (pride, worry/anxiety, and laziness), which is the biggest struggle for you? How does it influence your God-given responsibilities?
2. In what ways do you struggle with worry? What are you trying to control that you need to surrender to God today?
3. Where do you struggle with laziness in terms of your God-given responsibilities?
Bible Journey:
READ: 1 Peter 5:6-8
1. Why does the text tell us to humble ourselves?
2. In what ways do you struggle with humility? How would your life look diff erent if you were to grow in humility?
3. How practically could you serve those around you with the strength God has given you? What obstacles stand in your way that keep you from doing so?
4. Following verse 6, why does Peter command Christians to cast their anxieties on God?
5. What are some tangible ways you have experienced God’s care throughout your life?
6. What commands does Peter give in verse 8? Why does he give it?
7. How should Peter’s description of our “adversary” shape our seriousness about the responsibilities and being sober-minded and watchful?
8. As you think back on the teaching of this session, what are some areas of your life or relationships that need defending? Can you identify any areas of vulnerability or weakness? What would it look like to be watchful in them?
9. How connected are you to other believers? What about a local church?
Live it out:
Pray: Set aside some time this week to ask God for the eyes to see where He has called you to be watchful. As you identify those areas, be bold in your obedience trusting that the Lord will supply your needs along the way.
Praise: Take a moment to praise God for the ways in which He has brought restoration in your life. Thank Him for His grace and how it brings continual healing in the times when you fall short.
Resolve: As the Holy Spirit convicts you of areas where you need to be watchful, commit to that responsibility, no matter the cost.
Accountability: Identify 2–3 mature, believing men and schedule time to regularly check in with one another to stay accountable in this area of watchfulness.
Encourage: If you know of a weaker brother who is struggling to be watchful, make an eff ort to encourage him today.
Session #2 Watch Out
Be A Godly Man
Session #2 Watch Out
1. Of the three specific points Joby said we must watch out for (pride, worry/anxiety, and laziness), which is the biggest struggle for you? How does it influence your God-given responsibilities?
2. In what ways do you struggle with worry? What are you trying to control that you need to surrender to God today?
3. Where do you struggle with laziness in terms of your God-given responsibilities?
Bible Journey:
READ: 1 Peter 5:6-8
1. Why does the text tell us to humble ourselves?
2. In what ways do you struggle with humility? How would your life look diff erent if you were to grow in humility?
3. How practically could you serve those around you with the strength God has given you? What obstacles stand in your way that keep you from doing so?
4. Following verse 6, why does Peter command Christians to cast their anxieties on God?
5. What are some tangible ways you have experienced God’s care throughout your life?
6. What commands does Peter give in verse 8? Why does he give it?
7. How should Peter’s description of our “adversary” shape our seriousness about the responsibilities and being sober-minded and watchful?
8. As you think back on the teaching of this session, what are some areas of your life or relationships that need defending? Can you identify any areas of vulnerability or weakness? What would it look like to be watchful in them?
9. How connected are you to other believers? What about a local church?
Live it out:
Pray: Set aside some time this week to ask God for the eyes to see where He has called you to be watchful. As you identify those areas, be bold in your obedience trusting that the Lord will supply your needs along the way.
Praise: Take a moment to praise God for the ways in which He has brought restoration in your life. Thank Him for His grace and how it brings continual healing in the times when you fall short.
Resolve: As the Holy Spirit convicts you of areas where you need to be watchful, commit to that responsibility, no matter the cost.
Accountability: Identify 2–3 mature, believing men and schedule time to regularly check in with one another to stay accountable in this area of watchfulness.
Encourage: If you know of a weaker brother who is struggling to be watchful, make an eff ort to encourage him today.