We hope that you all will join us for Pastor Mike's Sunday School class on FaithLife this Sonday morning. For general instructions on how to use FaithLife, please refer to the FaithLife instruction guide (https://drive.google.com/file/u/2/d/1sMeUr-u7h0mGRdZCKRH1GqoXOEN9yQ2e/view) and be sure to reach out to Rob Bailey if you have any questions. For those that have joined FaithLife please follow the below steps for joining the group video chat this Sunday morning at 9:30 AM:
1. Log In
2. Scroll down to the bottom left hand side where you will see a list of "Groups" and select "Pastor Mike Sunday School Class."
3. On the next page select "Group Chat" on the left hand side.
4. Once Pastor Mike has started the video chat it will say "I started a video conversation. Please join me at" followed by a link to click on.
5. Click on that link and you will be entered into video chat.
Reminders: Make sure your volume and mic are not muted. For any technical issues on Sunday morning, call/text Rob Bailey at (267) 251-8943.
FBC Faithlife User Guide_032020.pdf