Hearing some interesting things about historian Tom Holland's book "Dominion-- How the Christian Religion Changed the World". Holland's a Brit whose twin obsessions since childhood have been dinosaurs and classical civilizations. Has written tons about Greece and Rome, and the origins of Islam. Finally came to acknowledge how Christ's entrance into history changed EVERYTHING.
It's nice when the post-Christian domain of academe and history acknowledges this, however rarely! Here's a wee snippet of conversation between Holland and N.T. Wright and friend:

Tom Holland tells NT Wright: Why I changed my mind about Christianity
Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlf_ULB26cU For updates, further episodes & bonus content sign up for the Unbelievable? newsletter: http://www.pr...
- That was very interesting, Ellyn, thanks for digging it up. I found myself wanting to ask Tom Holland if he thinks that Paul was the source of the contents of his letters, or if perhaps he got his ideas from somewhere else?
- Ha! Well, if you have to have a 'proxy', initially, Paul's pretty good. A good first step toward the Source?
- True, Ellyn. We can be happy with small steps for now.