Gospel Centered Family Virtual Conference

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: The Gospel-Centered Family. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
Please note that the listed times are Eastern Standard Time (you can edit the time zone to see your local times).
Please join us for what is sure to be an encouraging and challenging 4 nights of Biblical teaching on the family.
Our conference will be hosted by Phil Sessa, a Pastor of Grace Baptist Church (Woodhaven, NYC) and Director of Soulfishing Ministries.
4 Consecutive Nights - Tues Nov 10 thru Fr Nov 13
2 Sessions per Night - 7:00-7:45 EST -and- 8:00-8:45EST
The conference features 4 Speakers:
1) Dr. Carlton C. McLeod, Senior Pastor @ Calvary Reformation Church
2) Scott T. Brown, Pastor @ Hope Baptist Church
3) Mark Spence, Senior Vice President @ Living Waters
4) Phil Sessa, Pastor @ Grace Baptist Church
$15 - Early Bird
$25 - Week of conference
Your one-time payment of $15 (or $25 week of) entitles you to attend all 8 sessions