Got a good question from @stevenmckinley about what to (not) mention in a preaching or teaching context about what you learn from the discourse devices. Here is a quick video outlining the principles I'd recommend.
- I like it! And the coat. ;)
- That was a birthday gift from my family.
- Thanks for taking the time to answer. That makes sense. I can relate to some of what you were saying there at the end. Last year my wife and I invited our neighborhood to a home Bible study at our house, and we had a few show up. I tried to get them to do an inductive study of Romans 1-4, but found out over time as the group dwindled that people weren't into digging into the text as much as I was. Before that, I had done the same thing, but with a more structured lesson that I taught and it seemed to work better. I think the same principle applies here. Often folks aren't as enthusiastic about what's under the hood (or pants) as they are about wanting to get out and drive.