SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION-NASHVILLE June 12-16: As we approach this year's annual meeting of Great Commission Baptists in Nashville, we would like to ask you to pray. Simply stated, we believe that above all things this annual meeting must be saturated in prayer, so that it does not become about what we think or what we want, but what God wants.
For this reason we are asking you to join in focused prayer for our convention over the next three weeks. Pray specifically that every single thing that is done in Nashville would tell a lost and watching world about the love of Jesus Christ. Suggestions for the next three Wednesdays:
👉🏾Wed. May 26 Pray For Great Commission Mobilization
🙏Pray for our missionaries and church planters, Ask God to strengthen, protect
and sustain them. And pray that through their witness the gospel would spread rapidly and God would be honored as people respond.
(2 Thessalonians 3:1-5)
🙏🏾Pray for #Go2Years, that college graduates and young professionals would respond to Jesus' command to go and make disciples of all nations. Ask God to compel many to give two years to the mission of God, either overseas with IMB or with a church plant in the U.S. (Luke 10:2)
🙏Pray that every church would judge success by sending capacity and not seating capacity, and that every church, led by the Holy Spirit, would set apart and send out those called by God to serve as His ambassadors in the world. (Acts 13:2-3)
👉🏾Wed. June 2. Pray For Unity in the Gospel
🙏Pray that our Convention would reflect the beauty in the diversity of all
peoples in our nation. And pray that as one Body, we would live in unity, anticipating that great day when men from every tribe and tongue and nation will gather in worship around the throne of God. (Revelation 5:8-10) Pray that we would continue to stand on the inerrant, infallible, all-sufficient Word of God while celebrating our differences in style, culture, and geography. Ask God to lead us in valuing all men and women as image bearers. (Colossians 3:11-15)
🙏🏾Pray that our love for one another would testify to a watching world that we have been reconciled and redeemed by Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:22-23
👉🏾Wed. June 9. Pray for the Holy Spirit to Anoint Our Meeting, Our Missions &
Our Ministries Around the Meeting
🙏Pray for our evangelistic efforts in Nashville. Ask God to use Crossover and
“Who's Your One?” events around the city to expose many to the Gospel and lead them to faith in Jesus. (Acts 2:37-41)
🙏🏾Pray for that hundreds would respond to the Great Commission at the Send Conference June 13-14. Pray that many would willingly offer themselves to go wherever God calls them to go and do whatever he asks them to do. (Isaiah 6:8)
🙏Pray that everything our messengers do on the floor—every motion passed, every panel and speech, and every officer elected—would be done in a manner worthy of the Gospel. Ask God to strengthen our Convention and cause us to continue to bear fruit and grow in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:9-14)