Hello my name is Scott Kay. I am eagerly awaiting your mobile ed course on studies of Biblical interpretation to get out of development and ready for download. In my church I teach Sunday school intermittently, but I think that I will become more involved by next year. This will be my first mobile course so I am very excited to learn as much as I can so that I can share this information with my Sunday School class. Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself and I'm sure I'll have a question as soon as I start digging into the course.
- Good to meet you and hear of your interest in the course. I am happy to answer questions as they arise, once you begin the course. Great to hear of your teaching in your church and the ways you want to share your learning with the group. Grace and Peace, Jeannine
- The course is a lot of fun so far! The hardest part for me was the biblical inspiration portion, I have heard so many pastors say that the Holy Spirit told the author what to write, ( the dictation view) so it was a little confusing for me at first, I just didn't know there were any other theories of inspiration. For me the supervision view makes the most sense. I love the way I'm studying the bible now that I'm looking at it from the book level. One last thing, my Sunday school classes are becoming very popular, mostly due to this course. Thanks and God bless!
- Hi there! Glad it's helpful (and fun!). I too grew up in a church were the dictation view was taught or at least assumed by all. When I work closely with the writings of the Bible, the 'handprints' of the human authors are clearer to me. But this hasn't meant that I have lost sight of the Holy Spirit; in fact, the opposite is true. I can more easily connect with the human authorship of the Bible, AND I have a clearer sense of God's superintending of the messages they wrote. The text is truly God breathed. Thanks for checking in. Jeannine