If you are joining us online today please go to the group chat link
and then at the bottom is a movie camera icon which you'll click into called video chat request, and it will ask you to join.
Ask Pastor Steve to help you get connected to Faithlife if you haven't yet. Email Pastor Mike IF you want to get an email link (preferably before Saturday 7pm)
Worshipping together in presence is always best and how God designed us to worship. However, there are unusual times when it's difficult to do, and now with modern technology, we can at least offer you a way to join in on Sundays, even if just for Sunday school, you may be forced to work, stay home with a newborn, or a child with a fever...
So please consider still joining us this Sunday at Pastor Mike's house at 9:30am so you can learn more about who we are and what we believe and prayerfully consider committing to membership.