We need a faster way to rearrange clippings. For example, if you add a clipping to the end of a long list, then try to drag it to the top, it can take minutes of super-slow scrolling to get it up there. If anyone knows of a faster way to do this, please let me know. Otherwise, I would like to request some feature that makes it faster to rearrange the clippings in long lists.
- The cut and pasting it into a new clipping at the top wouldn't work?
- It would be helpful if you could sort the clippings either by passage or even tags we assign as users. I love the feature but agree with Randy that it is hard to move them around. If I add them as I study, they are in order by resource, but when creating a message, I use them in order of the verses in the text.
- Mark, I think new clippings go to the bottom, by default.