Suggestion: A Toggle to keep answered prayer list in the active list or send to the answered prayer category. Prayers for an individual my be many and if one is answered others are not. It's too cumbersome to re-create the prayer list of an individual each time one item may be answered and others are yet top be answered. e.g. My children are on my daily list, and I pray for several items for each child, some get answered and some are more long term. I'd like to be able to see both columns, answered and unanswered on the active list as I am praying through the list each day. Being able to see past answers to prayers are an encouragement to continue to pray for the items yet to be answered.
- A very valid request from my point of view! Ken
- I note my partially answered prayers in the left panel, and move them to the right side panel when they are all answered and I want this to go into the answered list.