We invite you to worship with us tomorrow as we begin our study of the book of Malachi. Israel had become lax in their worship, relationships, tithing, and honor to God. The messenger of God calls the people on these things to repentance. In the first five verses, he reminds them of God’s unconditional election of Jacob. Does history repeat itself when we look at the church today compared to Israel? Come find out tomorrow.
In the 6pm service, we will be studying Philippians 1:12-18. God used Paul in prison to advance the Gospel. He also said some were preaching because of selfish ambitions , but God was using that to save! God will accomplish His purpose.
Come out tonight for a great time at our Valentine Banquet starting at 6pm with music, games, and a devotional from Brennan. There will be great food and fellowship.
God bless and have a great weekend!