Praying you have a Blessed Resurrection Day! He is Risen, indeed!! Please pray for: Al-trusting in God paying for his debt of sin on the cross. Wanted a tract to give to a friend
Mike-claimed that he keeps the Law 80% & had to explain that we are fully unrighteousness in our flesh & need Christ’s 100% righteous record
Ramon-man selling phones who left the church 6 years before & would go to hell if he died tonight. He was open to hear what Christ did on the cross. Promised to read the Gospel of John tonight.
Guy in eagles hat-said guilty as he accepted tract
Isaiah-Had Romans 12:2 on his armband & I explained what Jesus did on Good Friday & why we need his righteousness
Shelle-wearing God is dope sweatsuit & asking her why did God come to earth & Did she hear about the Lamb
Of God?’
Ena- woman from Indonesian church making sure I wasn’t a JW Geraldo, Parthenia(coptic Christian. Shared Gospel), Prince(started crying when I asked where he was going to spend eternity. Shared the Gospel with him), Bob Ryan Michael-pray this man see his great need for God & get a Bible
Amira- listened carefully to the whole Gospel
Kenneth-concerned about his eternal destiny
Kersti- she is longing for something deeper & listened well . May she remember to read the tract in the morning.From Kensington this morning: Noemi, Stefanie, Luis, Dionisio, Frida, Wanda, Robert, Justin, Jacob, Mike. Rachael