Beware Of Spiritual Adultery, Idolatry And Elitism
Just as sin causes desolation and destruction to Israel and other civilizations throughout history (and let me quickly say that I love the Jewish people, even though we do not condone or justify any of their wrongdoings), there is also a parallel when it comes to the spiritual condition of the Body of Christ throughout the church age over the last 2,000 years or so, since the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
When we look at church history, we can also see the rise and fall of churches, denominations and ministries. There have been mighty Christian movements that once made great impact on cities, countries and continents that today, are nothing more than monuments.
I say this with grief and sadness. Carnality and worldliness have invaded the church. It is getting to a place where ungodliness is not just creeping, but blatantly sweeping into the church. Regrettably, many ministers and believers are spiritually blind and do not even realize it. Yet, Jesus loves His church and is making an appeal for us to hear His voice and repent.
Often, we can recognize outward sins, such as when a person commits sexual immorality, financial fraudulence or other desires and passions of the flesh. Yet, there are inward sins of the heart and spirit that are accepted and even celebrated by the church. The root problem of spiritual adultery, idolatry and elitism is more subtle and as such, many of us do not know when we have fallen into these spiritual conditions.
Mixing law and grace, adding to or subtracting from the finished work of Christ, is committing spiritual adultery. Spiritually-speaking, many Christians have two husbands – one who is called law, the other grace. While the law was given by God, it is to reveal His standard of righteousness and our utter sinfulness. The law is perfect but due to the fall, we are powerless to keep it fully, no matter how hard we try. Only Jesus Christ fulfilled all the demands of the law. His death on the cross paid the price and penalty of sin, when we place our faith in Him and His atoning sacrifice. Yet, while many believers know that salvation is by grace, we have a tendency to live for God by law and practise sanctification by works. We seek to be holy and keep the commandments by performing some seemingly spiritual acts in order to earn the favour of God or others or even ourselves. For example, spiritual disciplines such as studying the Word, prayer and fasting are important. However, to live a victorious and holy life, it is not by our own might or ability or willpower. It is by surrendering and yielding to the Holy Spirit, on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. This is the source of spiritual power and grace. The story of Cain and Abel is a lesson for us. Is our offering based on works or faith? What looks good to man is repulsive to God. Man’s way is pride, performance and self-righteousness. God’s way is repentance and faith. Oh, let us repent from spiritual adultery and unfaithfulness. If we are married to Christ, our husband, the epitome of grace, then we must quit flirting with anyone else.
Mixing the ways of the Spirit, the world (system) and the flesh, constitutes spiritual idolatry. The cry of any true spiritual leader and pastor is to develop Christlikeness among the flock of God – for babes in Christ to grow up! Yet, in the context of the Corinthian church, spiritual carnality and childishness was a problem. There were discord and division among them. Instead of looking to Christ, they see themselves as belonging to Paul or Apollos. Now, there is nothing wrong with emulating, honouring and respecting our spiritual leaders. However, if we idolize them, we act not only like heathens, we break the heart of God. Another form of idolatry, which is subtle, is when we place the mechanics of worship over the heart of worship. These days, we have skilled musicians, advanced musical instruments, audio and visual systems. If we are not careful, we become entertained, rather than being dependent on the Holy Spirit in worshipping the true and living God! The blessings of God is primarily for us to advance His Kingdom, to spread the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ! We need to ask God regarding the church and ministry to support financially and prayerfully. Are souls being saved, healed, delivered and baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Spiritual elitism is another problem in the church. It is the spirit of pride, superiority and exclusivity – when we boast in our church, denomination or ministry, more than giving glory to Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. If we often use words such as “us and them”, or believe that we have received revelations of the so-called “deep things of God”, we have fallen into the trap of spiritual elitism.
Let us all beware of spiritual adultery, idolatry and elitism! Let us ask the Lord to search our hearts and that we repent from these inward sins of the heart and spirit.
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