If you have been following this subgroup for very long, I have been posting about an issue that I have been having about the text in a sermon doc “shifting” to the top of the page. I have posted videos about it. Phil Gons has replied and been helpful in working with me and understanding what’s happening.
I don’t know what’s changed, but this morning, it is “worse.” It is happening so often, that it is hard to be productive in my review and preparation for the message this morning. Your prayers are appreciated as I struggle using this technology that seems to be fighting me as I want to present the Word of God.
- Just to let you know that we haven't forgotten about this problem, and we understand how frustrating it is for your sermon to jump about when you're using an external keyboard. We're hopeful for a solution.
Brent Hoefling — Edited
FYI: It doesn't ONLY do it only when I have an external keyboard. It does it any time I edit the document's content on the iPad. there was no external mouse or keyboard connected when I made the example video.Brent Hoefling — Edited
Mark Barnes (Logos), Phil Gons (Logos); its still happening, and more and more frustrating. I have tried with a MS BT keyboard, and even an Apple BT keyboard - AND no keyboard at all. (In addition to with or without a BT mouse, I have tried several). In fact, even tried no BT at all, it is disabled in settings. It still does it. I made a video showing the jump and losing of focus where the cursor/last position is lost. I can do another if needed and there is something specific that I should try. It is getting to the place where I am going to go back to MS Word or Pages and Dropbox. Very frustrating, when doing my final pass and review just before I preach.