Hello, I have been browsing through the forums looking for a tip that enables me to print/export a note with the 'Text' of the referenced scripture printed with the notebook notes. I select the notes in a notebook and then the three ellipses at the top right with print/export to Word. The printout ONLY gives me the scripture reference and then the attached notes.
I want to put these notes into a binder with the related scripture text.
Is there a way to do this? To DATE, nothing has worked.?
Thank you.
- In some of my notes, I choose to paste in the referenced text, most of the time at the top, other times at the bottom (below the notes). It depends upon what I want to see in the pop-up preview of the note when I hover over the in-line note icon.
- I am learning to include page numbers in notes as well. The information is all there in the database, but the notes export code just doesn’t have the capability to export well. This is one of the weakest part of the product.