Hello, all. For some research I'm doing, I'm trying to look at all occurrences of "en"+ the Greek article + proper places. However, the search I'm using (see attached) didn't yield any results. This surprised me, so I searched for only "en" + the article and got a ton of results. Within them, I did see a result for Matthew 17:12 that I thought should have come up in my original search (Galilee being a proper place).
What was incorrect in my original search syntax that it didn't yield what I was looking for? Am I not using "sense:proper place" correctly? Thanks for any help you can offer!
- The sense "proper place" is used to refer to a specific place - designated for a particular purpose. There are only such three tagged occurrences in the Bible I would use Louw-Nida numbers - specifying the range for "places" resulting in this search string: lemma.g:ἐν BEFORE lemma.g:ὁ BEFORE louwNida:93.389-615 or if you want the words consecutive to each other, try lemma.g:ἐν THEN lemma.g:ὁ THEN louwNida:93.389-615
- Thank you so much! I had never tried searching with a "sense" before... seems like I'll need to learn more about those types of searches. Thanks a lot for taking the time to lay the exact search criteria for what I was after!