Soli Deo Gloria
All glory is to be to God alone. The culmination of the first four “solas” of the Reformation is that glory belongs to God and God alone. We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone through God’s sheer grace alone, promised to us in the Scriptures alone. All of that is only possible because of God’s initiative and work, both through the work of Christ and the work of the Spirit in us.
That is Paul’s conclusion at the end of Romans 11. He has been declaring the wonders of the Gospel message of Christ all the way from Romans 1:18 onwards. He concludes the whole story of redemption in chapter 11, and it is only appropriate that he ends all of that with a doxology (praise) to God. In many senses, that is exactly what good theology is supposed to do – to raise our affections for God and increase our praise to him.
Paul does exactly that at the end of Romans 11. He praises the wisdom, knowledge, and plan of God.