Hello, is there anything in the works for Proclaim to link to the NRSVUE Bible version. We are using it more in service, and have to copy and paste it from an online bible program into the scripture slide.
Any advice or input for getting proclaim to automatically connect to it?
- i figured out i had to buy the NRSVue bible from LOGOS. however, i'm not happy that my user account is the ONLY one that can see the new bible, i feel it should be visible for any of the users that log into Proclaim to put together the service. do i talk to Proclaim support or LOGOs support about how to share the extra bible so it's visible for the users that actually use proclaim
- You can contact customer support or make a suggestion Carol however I would guess that the barrier will be copyright issues. I take it you know that if you, as owner, add a bible/onscreen-bible item from a bible you own that excerpt is visible, in that translation, to the other group members. Don't forget that any translations that you buy can be used in the Logos Bible Study programme which is a huge advantage for you, and if they purchase their own resources, your other group members.