Randy Clark in Logos
I hope someone can help me with a couple questions. I purchased my Logos subscription last month, 2 years at the tier I felt best for me. I have not yet purchased a library because I'm still undecided, also I'm waiting to see what the new denominational libraries will look like. So, here are my questions: is there an expiration time frame on the 30% discount for a library, and when will new denominational libraries be announced. I have not been able to find answers. This time of year I have many expenses to deal with, and I would be able to purchase a better (more expensive) library after the first of the year. Can anyone help me with answers? Thanks!
- I would suggest asking this question in our new community space, Randy Clark. Here's a direct link to the Logos forum for English users: https://community.logos.com/categories/discuss-logos
- I’d personally call the Logos Customer Service