F-260 Genesis 7
Why did God tell Noah he was allowed to enter the ark? (7:1)
How important is obedience to what God commands? (7:5, 16)
What happened to all the living creatures that were not on the ark? (7:21-23)
Why did Noah worship God after getting off the ark?
Why do you think God promised never to destroy the earth with a flood again?
Among whom do you have a reputation for serving God?
What is one thing you can do to cultivate a blameless reputation among your coworkers? Neighbors?
What is one act of protection or provision from God for which you want to praise Him?
Deliverance (Genesis 7:1-9)
Full Commitment: Genesis 7:1
Final Commission: Genesis 7:2-3
Faithful Compliance: Genesis 7:5-9
Destruction (Genesis 7:10-16)
Further Delay: Genesis 7:10
Final Dawning: Genesis 7:11-16
Flood totality: Genesis 7:17-24