F-260 Genesis 8
Here is the aftermath of the flood. Noah and his family faithfully obeyed God and God faithfully protected them from his judgment. We are reminded of God's love for human beings, who he created in his own image. God used Noah's family to repopulate the earth with his people. Here we read the Noahic Covenant, God promising to never destroy the earth with a flood. God sealed this promise with the sign of the rainbow, God will always keep his promises.
What happened after the Flood ended but before Noah and his family got off the ark? (8:1-14)
What does it mean that God remembered? (8:1)
Why did God tell Noah to bring the animals off the ark? (8:15-17)
What did Noah do when he got off the ark? (8:20)
How did the Lord respond to Noah’s offering? (8:21-22)
Why did Noah worship God after getting off the ark?
Why do you think God promised never to destroy the earth with a flood again?
Among whom do you have a reputation for serving God?
God Remembered (Genesis 8:1)
Flood Receded (Genesis 8:3)
Ark Rested (Genesis 8:4)
Noah Tested (Genesis 8:6-14)
God Commanded (Genesis 8:15-16)
God's Covenant (Genesis 8:20-22)