F-260 Job 1
The book of Job addresses the issue of God’s allowance of evil in the lives of His people. Early chapters describe the entrance of sin into the world and bringing corruption. We see that human suffering is an inevitable consequence of sin. Job 1-2 remind us that even the most faithful of God’s people are not exempt from suffering and the consequence of sin. Because God is sovereign, everything has a purpose, even suffering. It is up to us to discover the meaning behind it all, even if we have to look back on the event to get a clearer picture of what we have experienced. Ultimately we are designed to bring God glory in all of life, in the good and even in the bad. The purpose of Job’s suffering was that the world would see the life-transforming power of genuine faith in God.
What is surprising about what happened to Job? (1:1-22)
How did Job purify his children? Why? (1:4-5)
What were the angels doing? (1:6)
Where did Satan come from? (1:7)
Why did Satan say that Job feared God? (1:9-10)
What did Satan say Job would do if God took away everything Job had? (1:11)
What authority did God give to Satan? (1:12)
How did Job respond to the tragedies that happened to him? (1:20-21)
In what way did Job not sin? (1:22)
In what way do you fear God and shun evil?
Why do you think God gave Satan authority over everything Job had?
What kind of people are considered great in our society?
How does society view individuals who are blameless and upright?
If you had been in Job’s situation, how do you think you would have responded?
Why is it easy to praise God when circumstances are going well?
How do you usually respond when tragedies happen to you?
When do you feel most like praising God?
When do you feel most like cursing God?
For what type of events do people blame God?
For what sort of events do people blame Satan?
Why is it so hard to respond like Job when tragedies happen?