F-260 Job 2
What major events occurred? (2:1-13)
From where did Satan come? (2:2)
Why did God ask Satan to consider Job again? (2:3)
What did God say Job had maintained? (2:3)
Why did Satan say that it was no big deal that Job had maintained his integrity? (2:4-5)
What authority did God give to Satan? (2:6)
What did Satan do to Job? (2:7)
What did Job’s wife tell him to do? (2:9)
How did Job respond to his wife’s suggestion? (2:10)
What did Job not do in the midst of his troubles? (2:10)
For what purpose did Job’s friends set out to meet Job? (2:11)
What did Job’s friends do when they saw him? (2:12)
Why were Job’s friends silent for seven days? (2:13)
In what way is it true that a person will give all he or she has for his or her life?
How do you maintain your integrity?
Why is it hard to maintain one’s integrity when bad things happen?
In what way would it have been easier for Job to curse God and die?
When have you been tempted to curse God and die?
Why is it easy to accept good from God but not trouble?
How should we respond when trouble comes?
What good things have you received from God?
When have you set out to sympathize and comfort a friend in trouble?
Why do we want our friends to sympathize with and comfort us when bad things happen?
When have you wanted your friends just to sit with you silently?
How would sitting in silence with a friend be helpful?