F-260 Genesis 11
Through Noah’s family the earth was repopulated after the flood. This chapter mentions that everyone all had the same language and a common goal, making a name for themselves. As it has happened twice in Genesis 3-10, people created by God to glorify Himself put all their efforts into glorifying themselves. Again, humanity has brought God’s judgment upon themselves.
How much do you know about any foreign language?
To what sort of things do people in our society commit themselves in order to find meaning in life?
What is the one accomplishment or achievement in your life from which you have received the most personal satisfaction?
What did the author say that the whole world had? (11:1)
What significant events are described in this chapter? (11:1-32)
What did the men in the plain of Shinar set out to do? (11:2-4)
What did the men of Shinar hope to accomplish? (11:2-4)
What did the Lord see, and what did He say about it? (11:5-6)
What did the Lord do, and why did He do it? (11:7-9)
What happened to Shem? (11:10-26)
To what person did the author trace Shem’s descendants? (11:10-26)
Where did Abram live? (11:27-28)
Whom did Abram marry? (11:29)
What did the author say about Abram’s wife? (11:30)
Where did Abram’s father take his family? (11:31)
In what activities do people engage in order to make a name for themselves?
In what sort of activities do you engage in order to increase your sense of self-worth?
What institutions, activities, or accomplishments compete for our ultimate attention or allegiance?
Why do you think God thought it was necessary to confuse the language of the world?
What did God set out to prevent by confusing everyone’s language?
With what or whom are you sometimes tempted to replace God in your life?
How does a person’s place of origin impact the course of that person’s life?
How does a person’s family of origin impact that person’s life?