What are your reflections so far on the "Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Vol 4" reading plan?
What surprised you about Bonhoeffer's writing?
What made you stop and think?
- I love this book, I just never understood why he decided to get involved in the plot to kill Hitler. He could had done much more in sharing the gospel and cost of Discipleship if he had been out of prison and lived longer. Although, I probably could say the same about Paul when he decided to go to Jerusalem for the last time.
- I did read the text, had some problems getting into the 'reading plan' I could not get the start point to work right [probably operator head space] the book is a great benefit to my walk as a Christian and a deeper understanding of Luther and what that means to the Church or community of faith. I like the context of 'cheep grace -vs- costly discipleship with obedience'
- Essential and unique!