• Congregational Update – Suspending In-Person Gatherings

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    Holding fast in the hope and the foundation of our faith, I write to you to share an update regarding programs and services at St. James Presbyterian Church amidst the coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic. On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Executive Board of Northwest Coast Presbytery released a mandate to all churches in our region to suspend gathering in person until further notice (link to presbytery update here). This strong precaution is meant to step up efforts of social-distancing, which can drastically reduce the spread of COVID-19.

    As of today, the church will be moving all of its activities “out of the building” and into online formats for gathering. We will not be gathering for Sunday Worship in person and are already making efforts to enhance our capabilities for broadcasting services via livestream and recorded audio/video. Many church meetings will begin happening over web services like Zoom, which allow for us to still meet together, but from the distance of our homes. The church staff will be working remotely, continuing to keep up the operations of our organization by reaching out to members of the congregation, connecting with families and children, and taking extra efforts to strengthen the Body of Christ as we are apart.

    The Session of St. James is also asking our outside tenants to cease their operations in the facility for the time being and many groups are already working to cancel or postpone their plans for later dates. We are all in this together and it is a joy to see how people cooperate and work toward the common goal of keeping all people healthy and safe.

    We acknowledge that using services that are only online can be a limiting factor for some of us. To that end, we will be organizing a group of people who can help people set up access to our church website and Facebook page, connect with a Zoom account, and utilize other options on phones and computers that allow us to connect. If you need any technical assistance, please take a minute to fill out this brief form and we will be in touch to help: http://www.saintjamespres.org/tech-support.

    I feel connected with the Apostle Paul as I write this note. Paul wrote to many churches, spread out around the Mediterranean Sea, to encourage them through their struggles and changes. He wrote to challenge them to grow together in the face of persecution, to rely on each other and deepen their bonds as members of the Body of Christ. I write to do the same for our church, St. James Presbyterian, as we face a global pandemic. We must not lose heart, but instead, find our strength and hope in Christ alone.

    I pray this message finds you well. Please be in touch if you need anything. The church office will continue to receive messages, emails, and letters in the mail. I am available by phone (360-303-0898) and would be happy to hear your voice.

    Looking forward to the celebration of the Resurrection when we return to worshipping together.

    Until then, grace and peace,

    Pastor Seth

    Helpful Links:

    Our website: http://www.saintjamespres.org

    Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/saintjamespres

    St. James on the Faithlife App: http://faithlife.com/saintjamespres/

    1. Congregational Update - Worshipping at Home - March 15, 2020


      It has been a trying week around in our world as we face the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19. The leadership of St. James has taken time to deliberate, to pray, and to discern the right course of action for our congregation. In unity, the Session of St. James asks that you worship at home this Sunday, March 15, 2020. 

      This week’s worship service will be live-streamed via the St. James Facebook page ), and service content will be made available via our website ) and other social media platforms. Service materials will be made available on our website and posted on social media so you can follow along and keep up to date with events around the church. I encourage you to stay connected to our website and Facebook page for updates and ways to connect while we are not gathering together in person. 

      We make this decision with deep care in our hearts for the vulnerable among us, as well as in caution for all who gather together for worship. This week’s preaching text is drawn from Matthew 25, where Jesus reminds us that whenever we care for the sick, the imprisoned, the thirsty, the hungry…we are caring for him. This act of not gathering together in person is intended to be an act of care for Christ’s body itself, the Church, and all who seek Christ’s loving presence. 

      The St. James Deacons will be contacting members of their parishes promptly to ensure our congregation members know not to arrive at the church this Sunday. The Session will discern and make decisions regarding next week’s activities very soon, without acting in haste but seeking wisdom to best care for our community. 

      There are ways you can be involved: Take the time to reach out to a friend or loved one in these next few days, either over the phone or by sending a note in the mail. Times like this can be incredibly lonely and isolating, so we encourage you to not give up meeting together through conversations and caring relationships that can be fostered from afar. There will certainly be some members of our community who cannot venture out to run errands or pick up groceries: if you would like to assist with this, please contact me (pastor@saintjamespres.org) and we will find a way for you to be involved. 

      In all of this, we hold steadfast to the hope we know in Christ. Disease and fear and uncertainty may swirl around, but they do not hold the final word for us, nor for how we engage in the world as Christ’s ambassadors. So hold fast, my friends, to the hope you have found. 

      On behalf of the Session of St. James Presbyterian Church, grace and peace be with you. 


      Pastor Seth Thomas

      St. James Presbyterian Church