• 40 Days of Prayer Reflection

    When I think of a call to prayer, I often go to seasons of wilderness found in the story of Israel and the 40 days Jesus was in the wilderness. It seems that these two place have influenced popular Christian culture here in America, through the works of Rick Warren (among other writers and leaders as well).

    Above all, I am aware that the invitation to prayer, isn't just something that we should already have active in our life, in this case, it is a collective desire to seek the will and way of God as we are in the process of making decisions. As stated these past two weeks, through announcements and within emails, the leadership at Skyline is acutely aware that our congregation needs to continue making necessary changes that would enable our community of faith to not only be a healthy community, but be more active participants in the work of God's Kingdom. We have ideas and possibilities of what these adjustments look like, but we want to make sure we are hearing God's voice and remaining close to the heart of Christ, for our community. We also believe that as a church we are all in this together, that it's not just on the leaders to lead, but the entire congregation has a part to play in how our church more fully embodies the mission and mandate of Christ in this place and period of time.

    I want to thank you in advance for your prayerfulness, for entrusting the stewardship of Skyline into the care of the leadership team. We are thankful for the ways God has been at work and we are humbled by the things He is challenging us to step into. We recognize that with change comes work, possibilities of loss, and the opportunity to overcome hurdles. It opens the door for God's Kingdom to spring forth into redemption, reconciliation, and transformation for those who God brings across our path.

    My hope is that we will hear God's voice clearly over the next 40 days and in the days that follow; that His direction will be made known as much as it is necessary, and as Jesus spoke in John 17:22-23: "that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." Unity and love in Christ is vitally important in any community of faith, especially in seasons of life that we are presently.

    As always, thank you for the honor of serving as your pastor, and thank you for joining us in prayer over the next month.

    May the grace and peace of God be yours in abudance,

    Pastor Bryan