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The Confessions of Saint Augustine
Augustine of Hippo; E. B. Pusey
Augustine of Hippo is one of the most important thinkers for Western theology and philosophy. His understanding of the self, of sin, of redemption, and of sanctification set the tone for all subsequent theology. Even those who disagree with him must still interact with the effects of his thought. In his Confessions, Augustine gives a theocentric testimonial of his conversion experience and his growing understanding of God. This crucial work introduced the idea of the inner self to the world. It was the first work that struggled to understand the inner life—the life of the mind. Its place at the beginning of the development of the autobiography is undeniable.
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Logos 6 Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Great Books of the Western World (60 vols.)
The makers of Encyclopaedia Britannica bring you the Great Books of the Western World. Comprising 60 volumes containing 517 works written by 130 authors, these texts capture the major ideas, stories, and discoveries that shaped Western culture.
Sale $374.99
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Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 8 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 8. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Logos 5 Reformed Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Reformed libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Logos 6 Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 6 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader: Volume 1, To 1500
Anselm of Canterbury; Athanasius of Alexandria; Augustine of Hippo; …
The apostle Peter tells us always to be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks us to account for our hope as Christians (1 Peter 3:15). While the gospel message remains the same, such arguments look different from one age to another. Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader: Volume 1, To 1500 is an unprecedented anthology of apologetics texts with selections from the first century AD through the Middle Ages.
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Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition (37 vols.)
This complete set of the writings of the Early Church Fathers translated into English is one of the most important collections of historical, philosophical and theological writings available to the student of the Christian Church. These documents provide the most comprehensive witness to the development of Christianity and Christian thought during the period immediately following the Apostolic Era. This is the tool that opens up the voluminous Early Church Fathers for everyone. Now you can instantly search the entire body of writing from the starting point of a Bible reference, a word, or a phrase. For decades, the historic American edition of the writings of the Early Church Fathers translated into English has made a major contribution to students of Christian history, philosophy, and theology. The Logos edition of the ECF provides the interactive links between text, footnotes, Bible references and hundreds of Bibles and Bible reference books available in...
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Colección Patrística (12 Vols.)
Augustine of Hippo; Clement of Alexandria; John Chrysostom; …
La Colección Patrística es una serie de doce libros que reúne lo mejor de los primeros escritos cristianos posteriores al Nuevo Testamento. Este ambicioso proyecto fue traducido al español y compilado con rigor académico por el teólogo y filósofo cristiano Alfonso Ropero
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Logos 6 SDA Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 SDA Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Augustine’s Confessions and Select Letters (6 vols.)
Augustine of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo is one of the most important thinkers for Western theology and philosophy. His understanding of the self, of sin, of redemption, and of sanctification set the tone for all subsequent theology. Even those who disagree with him must still interact with the effects of his thought. St. Augustine’s Confessions introduced the idea of the inner self to the world. It was the first work that struggled to understand the inner life—the life of the mind. Its place at the beginning of the development of the autobiography is undeniable. This collection’s other work, Select Letters, contains 62 of Augustine’s letters, showing the various troubles of Augustine’s time and how the great bishop dealt with them.
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The Confessions: A Translation for the 21st Century (audio)
Augustine of Hippo
The Confessions by Saint Augustine is considered an all-time number one Christian classic. Augustine undertook his greatest piece of writing with the conviction that God wanted him to make this confession. The Confessions is, in fact, an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer. In this audiobook version, 13 scholars with a passion for Augustine have come together to give voice to this acclaimed translation by Maria Boulding, which flows like a novel. Augustine was, probably, 43 when he began this endeavor. He had been a baptized Christian for 10 years, a priest for six, and a bishop for only two. His pre-baptismal life raised questions in the community. Was his conversion genuine? But the first hearers were captivated, as many millions have been, over the following 16 centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time, with little need of transpositions. This new translation masterfully captures his experience.
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Saint Augustine: Tractates on the Gospel of John 1–10
Augustine of Hippo
In Christian Latinity, the tractate is a specific type of sermon, delivered as part of a liturgy, which combines scriptural exegesis, preaching, spiritual commentary, and theological reflection. This volume contains the first ten of the 124 tractates on the Gospel of John delivered by St. Augustine, the world-renowned fourth-century bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa. As sermons they exemplify the theory of preaching he outlined in his De doctrina Christiana (On Christian Instruction)—to preach in a simple and direct style accessible to all without compromising the theological knowledge and spiritual experience of the message. Because John’s Gospel particularly emphasized the divinity of Jesus, the identity of the historical Jesus with the Messianic Christ, the Trinitarian Word, these sermons necessarily involve much Trinitarian and Christological theology. They explain and defend the orthodox position established at the councils of Nicea (AD 325) and Constantinople (AD...
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Logos 6 Anglican Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Logos 5 Baptist Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Baptist Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Baptist libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Teaching Christianity (De Doctrina Christiana)
Augustine of Hippo; Edmund Hill
This work is intended to help preachers present biblical teachings in an effective manner.
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Saint Augustine: Tractates on the Gospel of John 11–27
Augustine of Hippo
Of the 124 tractates that St. Augustine delivered to his congregation at Hippo Regius, the first fifty-four form a distinct group. They differ in length and character from the remaining tractates, contain many chronological references, and consist of bitter attacks on the Donatists and other heresies. The remaining tractates (55–124) are brief and contain no chronological references to prior tractates. Scholars maintain that the latter were dictated for later reading to the people rather than extemporaneously delivered. This volume contains tractates 11–27. In 11–16 Augustine continues the attack, begun in tractates 1-10, on the heresies of Manichaeism, Donatism, and Pelagianism. Beginning with the seventeenth tractate, however, he focuses greater attention on Arianism, a Trinitarian heresy whose major tenet was that divine being was uncreated, unbegotten, and unique and that Christ was not true God but a creature who had a beginning. Augustine also attacks lesser Christological...
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The Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Ancient Christian Writers)
Augustine of Hippo; John J. Jepson
This work was written between the years 393 to 396, when Augustine served as a priest at Hippo. In the first book he answers the question of the true meaning of The Sermon on the Mount: Is it humanely possible to put The Sermon into practice? The second book deals with the sixth and seventh chapters of this Gospel, and offers a condensed theology of prayer.
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Logos 6 Baptist Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Baptist Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Logos 5 Anglican Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Anglican libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Logos 6 Anglican Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 6 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Augustine’s Expositions on the Book of Psalms (6 vols.)
Augustine of Hippo
In his Expositions on the Book of Psalms, Augustine of Hippo provides a vivid and compelling exploration of the Psalms, with the beautiful humanity that characterizes his work. This six volume collection was translated by E. B. Pusey, H. Walford, and Charles Marriott, and it provides notes throughout each volume.
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The Confessions, 2nd ed.: A Translation for the 21st Century
Augustine of Hippo; Maria Boulding
Augustine undertook this greatest piece of writing with the conviction that God wanted him to make this confession. The book in fact is an extended poetic, passionate and intimate prayer. Second Edition includes an annotated bibliography by William Harmless, SJ.
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Verbum 5 Starter Legacy Library
The Verbum 5 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Verbum 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Verbum 5 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Augustine of Hippo
Revisions, like many of Augustine’s works, has a singular purpose. Composed in his old age, he reviews nearly all his writings, summarizing and correcting and even expressing regret. The Revisions is important not only for establishing the chronology of Augustine’s works but also for providing insight into his own thought and self-evaluation. The Latin title for this work is Retractationes and the Indiculum of Possidius is included in the Appendix.
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Logos 6 Lutheran Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Lutheran Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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The City of God, 2 vols. (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century)
Augustine of Hippo
Along with his Confessions, The City of God is undoubtedly St. Augustine’s most influential work. In the context of what begins as a lengthy critique of classic Roman religion and a defense of Christianity, Augustine touches upon numerous topics, including the role of grace, the original state of humanity, the possibility of waging a just war, the ideal form of government, and the nature of heaven and hell. But his major concern is the difference between the City of God and the City of Man—one built on love of God, the other on love of self. One cannot but be moved and impressed by the author’s breadth of interest and penetrating intelligence. For all those who are interested in the greatest classics of Christian antiquity, The City of God is indispensible.
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Select Sermons, Homilies, and Treatises of St. Augustine (5 vols.)
Augustine of Hippo
The Select Sermons, Homilies, and Treatises of St. Augustine contains an array of resources from one of the church’s most influential theologians. Each volume in this collection intends to edify the church by providing instructional commentary on Scripture and essays on various aspects of Christian discipleship and morality. Four volumes of homilies and sermons cover large sections of Scripture, including a complete treatment of John’s Gospel and his first epistle, large sections of the Synoptic Gospels, and eight of Paul’s epistles. A volume of treatises on various aspects of Christian discipleship and morality rounds out the collection, including Augustine’s classic exposition, Enchiridion, on Paul’s well-known phrase, “faith, hope, and love”.
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The Trinity (De Trinitate)
Augustine of Hippo; Edmund Hill
In the first seven books Augustine searches the scriptures for clues to understanding the Trinity and then defends the orthodox statement of the doctrine against the Arians. In the last eight books Augustine seeks to understand the mystery of the divine Trinity by observing an analogous trinity in the image of God, which is the human mind; and in so doing, he also suggests a program for the serious Christian of spiritual self-discovery and renewal.
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Sermon Builder Collection (65 resources)
Augustine of Hippo; Charles Spurgeon; Craig Brian Larson; …
Preparing a sermon is hard work and typically requires the use of several tools—including study resources, a word processor, and presentation software, but with the Sermon Builder all of those are tied together. This collection brings valuable tools and resources alongside the Sermon Builder Feature in Logos in order to help you write more effectively for your church congregation. Dive deep into the Word with this new collection tailored especially for the Logos Sermon Builder.
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