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Raised on the Third Day: Defending the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus
Michael R. Licona; W. David Beck
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Is resurrection even possible? Raised on the Third Day approaches these questions with critical and believing eyes. A variety of contributors—including J. P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, Craig A. Evans, Beth M. Sheppard, and Sean McDowell—evaluate scriptural, history, moral, and apologetic issues related to Christ’s death and resurrection. Readers will better appreciate how Gary Habermas has shaped the discussion and how scholarship can be moved forward. Study of Christ’s resurrection is far from exhausted.
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Does God Exist? A History of Answers to the Question
W. David Beck
Does God exist? Throughout the history of philosophical and theological reflection, this fundamental question has prompted a range of responses. In one incisive volume, philosopher W. David Beck offers a narrative of pre-Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, and Islamic arguments for God's existence. Here, readers will encounter both classical and contemporary arguments, including cosmological, teleological, moral, and ontological arguments along with commentary from the author.
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Lexham Press Christology Bundle (13 vols.)
Bruce G. Schuchard; Gary Habermas; Larry Hurtado; …
Understanding the life and ministry of Jesus is central to the Christian life. The Lexham Press Christology Bundle includes 13 essential resources focused on the person of Jesus and the doctrine of Christ.
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Lexham Press Apologetics & Worldviews Bundle (14 vols.)
Abraham Kuyper; J. I. Packer; John Frame; …
The Lexham Press Apologetics & Worldviews Bundle includes 14 volumes of resources created to equip you with answers to some of Christianity’s most common objections. This bundle is perfect for anyone looking to strengthen their faith, while also providing strong, clear responses to difficult questions.
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Lexham Press New Testament Studies Bundle (62 vols.)
Andreas J. Köstenberger; David A. deSilva; David G. Peterson; …
The Lexham Press New Testament Studies Bundle includes 62 volumes designed to help you study the New Testament. You’ll get original Greek texts, English translations, volumes from the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary, the Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary, the Osborne New Testament Commentaries, and much more! The titles contained in this bundle comprise some of the most fundamental resources needed for studying the New Testament in Logos Bible Software.
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Lexham Press Master Collection (602 vols.)
The Master Collection is the complete library to-date from Lexham Press, including 602 resources built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of Logos Bible Software. Lexham Press is devoted to advancing scholarship and equipping the church. Our goal is to help you interact with Scripture by engaging with incredible resources. Interconnected resources. Multimedia assets. Feature integration. All woven into biblically grounded content for your research, sermon prep, and personal devotions.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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InterVarsity Press 2021 Collection (60 vols.)
This collection of InterVarsity Press resources from 2021 features commentaries, biblical studies, and theological studies. Resources included in this collection provide readers with a wide array of content on topics including philosophy, counseling, ministry, and more.
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Studies in Apologetics: Book & Course Bundle (6 vols.; 4 courses)
Carl F. Ellis Jr.; J. I. Packer; John Frame; …
In an era where access to objections and arguments against the Christian faith is easier than ever, Christians need to be prepared with strong, clear responses. This book and course bundle from Lexham Press and Logos Mobile Education includes resources created to equip you with answers to some of Christianity’s most common objections.
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Pack Bilingüe - Colección de Pascua (48 vols.)
La Pascua es una de las celebraciones más importantes del cristianismo. Es una época del año que se celebra en todo el mundo con diferentes tradiciones y costumbres, pero más allá de esto, es un momento para conmemorar a Jesús y reflexionar con gratitud en su muerte y resurrección. El Pack Bilingüe - Colección de Pascua (48 vols.) incluye los 25 volúmenes de la Colección de Pascua más una cuidadosa selección de recursos en inglés que complementan perfectamente este asombroso tema. Esta es una opción ideal si te interesan los recursos en inglés o deseas utilizar la herramienta de traducción incluida en las Bibliotecas Logos Platino y superiores.
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Lexham Press 2020 Collection (49 vols.)
This collection contains the entire catalog of resources from Lexham Press released in 2020. From commentaries and theological studies to ministry resources and devotionals, this collection provides readers with content on a wide array of topics.
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InterVarsity Press 2020-2021 Collection (103 vols.)
This collection of InterVarsity Press resources from 2021 features commentaries, biblical studies, and theological studies. Resources included in this collection provide readers with a wide array of content on topics including philosophy, counseling, ministry, and more. Featuring new volumes in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Essential Studies in Biblical Theology, and Christian Association for Psychological Studies series, this collection provides the latest in biblical studies and application.
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InterVarsity Press Ultimate Collection (726 Resources)
Known for the high quality of its publications, from scholarly commentaries and dictionaries to accessible and practical discussions of important topics for Christian life and practice, InterVarsity Press is a trusted source of Christian scholarship. The InterVarsity Press Ultimate Collection gives you everything you need for bible study, theology and Christian living. Informative, clear, and easy to read, the books included in this collection will demonstrate their value over and over as you delve into the riches of theology and doctrine that tackle many of the topics of the day, shedding new light on beliefs often taken for granted. The InterVarsity Press Ultimate Collection provides something for everyone regardless of their background or experience whether you are a layperson, pastor, student or scholar.
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InterVarsity Press 2021 Collection (52 vols.)
This collection of InterVarsity Press resources from 2021 features commentaries, biblical studies, and theological studies. Resources included in this collection provide readers with a wide array of content on topics including philosophy, counseling, ministry, and more. Featuring new volumes in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Essential Studies in Biblical Theology, and Christian Association for Psychological Studies series, this collection provides the latest in biblical studies and ministry.
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InterVarsity Press Academic Research Collection (741 Resources)
The InterVarsity Press Academic Research Collection includes a robust 741 volumes to enhance your digital library with content covering biblical commentaries, theology texts, dictionaries, reference materials, counseling, ministry, and many others. Informative, clear, and easy to read, the books included in this collection will demonstrate their value over and over as you delve into the riches of theology and doctrine that tackle many of the topics of the day, shedding new light on beliefs often taken for granted.
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