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Experiencing God Day by Day
Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
A 365-day inspirational reader based on the best-selling book, Experiencing God.
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Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda - Revised and Expanded
Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
Next to their Experiencing God classic, Spiritual Leadership is one of Henry and Richard Blackaby’s most highly regarded and best-selling books to date, encouraging business and church leaders alike to follow God’s biblical design for success. In fact, the Barna Group reports that pastors list it among today’s most influential writings on the topic of how God develops, guides, and empowers spiritual leaders. In this new trade paper edition of Spiritual Leadership, the Blackabys update their notes on the key points regarding a leader’s challenges, character qualities, influence, decision making techniques, and more, all the while focusing on how leaders discover and promote God’s vision for their organization and move people on to His agenda. There are also new chapters on leading change and leading teams.
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Fresh Encounter: God's Plan for Your Spiritual Awakening Revised
Anne Graham Lotz; Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby; …
From the multi-million bestselling authors of Experiencing God comes Fresh Encounter, a book for church laypersons and leaders that illuminates God’s pattern and plan for personal revival and spiritual awakening. Greatly revised from the original 1996 edition with forty percent new material, Fresh Encounter looks to examples of revival throughout the Bible to better understand what it will take to bring about true and lasting spiritual renewal in the world today. Among the new topics here that…
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The Power of the Call: As the True Head of His Church, God Himself Will Lead Your Ministry as You Yield Fully To
Henry T. Blackaby; Kerry L. Skinner; Henry Brandt
Whether you find yourself on the verge of burnout or simply need someone to fan the flames of your faith, take time to experience afresh The Power of the Call. This practical and uplifting guide takes a biblically sound and realistic look at how God provides fully for every need a pastor, or anyone called into the ministry, will face. And it reminds us that success in a church is not what we think it is; it's what God thinks it is.
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Repentance: The First Word of the Gospel
Henry T. Blackaby; Richard Roberts
It is a serious problem when society misunderstands or disregards sin and repentance. But when the church neglects these doctrines, the impact is profound. This book unfolds the nature and necessity of biblical repentance, but for the church in particular. Roberts' in-depth study heavily references both he Old and New Testaments, and includes chapters on the myths, maxims, marks, models, and motives of repentance, as well as the graces and fruits that accompany it. There is also wise warning about the dangers of delayed repentance.
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Hearing God's Voice
Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
Based on classic Experiencing God principles, Hearing God's Voice is for those who are ready to listen. Beloved author Henry Blackaby and his son Richard help those who are listening to discern the voice of God, to identify ways He speaks, and to respond to His revelations of His will. God speaks to individuals in ways that are personal and unique to each person. God will never say anything that contravenes what He has said in the Bible, and usually He confirms what He has said. After you learn…
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The Ways of God: How God Reveals Himself Before a Watching World
Henry T. Blackaby; Roy Edgemon
Have you ever wondered how God is at work in this world? How is God accomplishing His purposes and revealing His will to His people, ever molding them into the holy people He wants them to be? In this newest book from Dr. Henry Blackaby, the ways of God are explored so that Christians might share a glimpse of understanding of things too great for the mind to hold. Dr. Blackaby discusses how the ways of God reflect His nature and glory, how they are different from the ways of man, and are…
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On Mission With God: Living God's Purpose for His Glory
Henry T. Blackaby; Avery T. Willis Jr.
Experiencing God introduced readers to the seven realities of experiencing God. But if a person wants to continue to experience God, he or she must join Him on mission. OnMission with God will show readers how God uses the seven realities in their lives. They will experience God at work at all time - initiating a personal, loving relationship with them to join Him in His work. Then they become a part of God's mission.
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Experiencia con Dios, edición 25 aniversario
Richard Blackaby; Claude V. King; Henry T. Blackaby
El ministerio de Mi Experiencia con Dios es más vibrante hoy que cuando recién comenzó y a medida que sigue creciendo y el mundo continúa cambiando, Mi Experiencia con Dios ha sido revisado y expandido y su material se ha renovado en más de un 70%. Un clásico moderno que ha vendido millones de copias alrededor de mundo. Este libro esta basado en siete realidades bíblicas que enseñan como entablar una verdadera relación con el Creador. Al comprender cómo Dios trabaja en nosotros mientras tratam
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A God Centered Church: Experiencing God Together
Henry T. Blackaby; Melvin Blackaby
This retitled and repackaged edition of the Gold Medallion Award winning Experiencing God Together, based on Blackaby's bestselling Experiencing God, which has more than three million copies in print. In A God-Centered Church, the Blackabys communicate the need for Christians to make the transition from doing God's will as individuals to knowing and doing God's will as a corporate body of believers. In paperback for the first time, this book shows churches how to accomplish His purposes by working together. It also helps churches experience the presence of God as a group while fostering the fullness of life intended for each community of believers. Blackaby and his son, Melvin, draw from their own firsthand experiences in global ministry and as a senior pastor.
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The Man God Uses
Henry T. Blackaby; Tom Blackaby
The book uses scriptural analysis, prayer, and study questions to explore God's will and His process of refining an ordinary man into an extraordinary agent of God.
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The Ways of God, Updated Edition: How God Reveals Himself Before a Watching World
Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
Have you ever been surprised or confused by what God did in your life or someone else’s? Did you expect God to act one way and then he did something entirely different? Have you ever prayed and asked God to do one thing but he did something entirely different? Have you ever made great sacrifices for God and then he chose not to bless your efforts? If so, the reason may be that you are unfamiliar with the ways of God. God’s ways are vastly different from ours. We will be constantly disappointed…
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A God-Centered Church: Experiencing God Together
Melvin Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
An award-winning book from a multimillion selling author, now available in paperback for the first time! Henry Blackaby says, “As important as Experiencing God has been to many people, A God Centered Church is a necessary sequel. Christians must make the transition from knowing and doing the will of God as individuals to knowing and doing the will of God within a corporate body of believers.” Indeed, there is a corporate nature to salvation. God saves individuals but places them in community…
The Man God Uses: From the Best Selling Author of Experiencing God
Henry T. Blackaby; Tom Blackaby
Uses scriptural analysis, prayer, and study questions to explore God's will and His process of refining an ordinary man into an extraordinary agent of God.
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El Llamado De Dios: El Propósito De Dios Para Todo Creyente
Henry T. Blackaby; Norman C. Blackaby
Examine las asombrosas verdades bíblicas que revelan el plan redentor de Dios y el lugar de todo creyente en él. Tal como lo hizo en toda la Biblia, Dios continúa llamando a su pueblo, en esta misma hora, a realizar sus propósitos eternos para redimir a los perdidos. La diferencia está sólo en la naturaleza de la tarea asignada. Los autores Henry T. Blackaby, autor del libro popular Mi Experiencia con Dios, y Norman C. Blackaby opinan que todo creyente tiene un llamamiento único para estar en ...
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The Experience
Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
With the heartfelt fervor and clarity of his bestselling 'Experiencing God' series, Henry Blackaby and his son, Richard, explain the basic beliefs of Christians and teach readers how to know God and faithfully live for Him.
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The Experience: A Devotional and Journal
Richard Blackaby; Henry T. Blackaby
With the heartfelt fervor and clarity of his bestselling 'Experiencing God' series, Henry Blackaby and his son, Richard, explain the basic beliefs of Christians and teach readers how to know God and faithfully live for Him.
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