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Interpreting the Psalms: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE)
Mark Futato
In this valuable resource for pastors and students, celebrated scholar Mark Futato explains the nature of Hebrew poetry and the purpose of the Psalms. After outlining issues related to the proper interpretation of Israel’s songbook, he concludes with a sample of moving from interpretation to proclamation.
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Basics of Hebrew Accents
Mark Futato
Basics of Hebrew Accents provides readers of biblical Hebrew with a comprehensive working knowledge of accentuation. Hebrew accents can be perplexing but knowing them and their functions will help students become better readers of the Hebrew Bible. The book is an ideal tool for beginning students who are learning to read the language as well as for more advanced students who are reading and translating the Hebrew text.
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Mobile Ed: OT391 The Shema (3 hour course)
Mark Futato; Logos Mobile Education
Explore the depths of the Shema (Deut 6:4–9) and learn why this text is sacred not only to Jews but to Christians as well. Discover why Jesus quoted the Shema when asked what the greatest commandment is. Gain insight into the covenantal, volitional, and emotional aspects of love and what it means to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Dr. Mark Futato guides you through the text, shedding light on the Hebrew language and its various interpretations. He then identifies the Shema’s relevance today and how these commands can point us toward Jesus each and every day.
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Pastorum Live 2012 Conference Videos
Craig A. Evans; Craig Keener; Daniel I. Block; …
The Pastorum Live conference brought together 21 evangelical scholars, some of whom have published academic commentaries, monographs, and Biblical language grammars. Now you’ll be able to purchase all 21 sessions to watch whenever you’d like.
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Handbooks for Exegesis: Old Testament and New Testament | HOTE/HNTE (10 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; David L. Turner; Gary V. Smith; …
Providing students and pastors with a valuable reference tool, these exegetical handbooks will enhance your understanding of different biblical genres and strategies for interpretation. This collection brings together the volumes of the Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis (HOTE) and the Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis (HNTE). All books in the series are written by accomplished teacher-scholars at leading evangelical schools. They are essential resources for anyone teaching and preaching these foundational books.
Sale $194.99
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Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: The Book of Psalms, The Book of Proverbs (CBC)
George M. Schwab; Mark Futato
Psalms has often been thought of as a book of praise, but it also contains mourning, bewilderment, and confusion. In fact, the amount of “negative psalms” outnumbers the psalms of praise. Futato shows us the difference between the negative aspects and the psalms of praise and that praise is part of the concluding phrase in the book. Not only that, but praise is large part of the negative psalms. To think of oneself as a fool is not something that most people want to do and reading Schwab’s book on Proverbs gives the reader a greater understanding of its content. Schwab makes the point that no fool would seek out God’s wisdom, and by persisting in the reading of Proverbs, we are reminded that even though we can behave unwise in certain points in our lives, by keeping the thoughts and ideas in Proverbs in the forefront of our minds that we can grow in wisdom and knowledge.
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Mobile Ed: HB101 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (10 hour course)
Mark Futato; Logos Mobile Education
Gain insight into Hebrew grammar, and learn all of the sounds and symbols of the alphabet—both the consonants and the vowels. Explore the forms of the noun, the adjective, and the verb in all its conjugations of the basic patterns. Discover how these words work together to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. As you deepen your knowledge of how Hebrew works, you will practice reading Hebrew text from the Hebrew Bible.
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Mobile Ed: OT221 Introductory Issues in Psalms (3 hour course)
Mark Futato
This course presents an overview of important interpretive elements of the book of Psalms, challenging traditional views in the process. It considers the book of Psalms as a whole, surveys and illustrates the various categories of particular psalms, and suggests Christological implications of the book. The course provides a robust understanding of how the psalms are organized and how they lead to successful living.
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Daily Dose of Greek and Hebrew
Mark Futato; Robert L. Plummer; Tom Blanchard; …
Many students have asked, “Why should I learn to read Greek and Hebrew?” The simple answer is, “To read the Bible!” To the surprise of many people, God did not reveal the Bible in English. So, to study the Old and New Testament in all of their richness, you must learn Greek and Hebrew. It is our sincere desire that you find the resources below helpful in your journey to learn Biblical languages. Much time, effort and dedication will be necessary to successfully accomplish this goal. But, with a passion to grow closer to God through His written Word, this goal is absolutely possible. Remember, many people before you have been able to learn enough Greek and Hebrew to enrich their study. You can as well.
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Mobile Ed: OT101 Introducing Old Testament: Its Structure and Story (6 hour course)
Mark Futato; Logos Mobile Education
What is the message of the Old Testament and the story of Israel? This course provides the answer by tracing the epic history of God’s activity with humanity through the OT people of God—Israel. Dr. Mark Futato takes students through the major themes of the OT books that narrate Israel’s history from the call of the patriarch Abraham through the return from exile, showing how each book contributes to the OT’s presentation of God’s goal of establishing a people and kingdom on earth.
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Cornerstone Biblical Commentary Series | CBC (20 vols.)
Allen P. Ross; Allison Trites; Andrew E. Hill; …
The Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series provides up-to-date, evangelical scholarship on the Old and New Testaments. Each volume is designed to equip pastors and Christian leaders with exegetical and theological knowledge to better understand and apply God’s Word by presenting the message of each passage as well as an overview of other issues surrounding the text. The commentary series has been structured to help readers understand the meaning of Scripture, passage-by-passage, through the entire Bible.
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Mobile Ed: TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (5 hour course)
C. John Collins; John H. Walton; Joseph A. Pipa Jr.; …
The belief that God created the world is foundational for Christians. However, the exact nature of God’s work in creation is debated. In this course, five leading Old Testament scholars present the distinct features and biblical bases of their particular views.
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Mobile Ed: Interactive Hebrew Alphabet Course (1 hour course)
Mark Futato; Randall Buth; Vincent M. Setterholm
For serious study of the Old Testament you need to be able to recognize the original words of the Hebrew Bible since they regularly appear in commentaries and lexicons. This course will make you feel at ease when you encounter such references by teaching you the Hebrew alphabet and showing you how to pronounce whole words. To help you master the Hebrew alphabet, each lesson has an interactive activity section with various experiential exercises, such as game-type drills, an alphabet song, and quizzes. There are also reference sections with additional information and materials such as printable charts. Whether you are just curious about the alphabet or are planning to study biblical Hebrew, this course provides a fantastic foundation for recognizing Hebrew letters and words so you can work with all of the words the Lord has preserved for us in the Old Testament.
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Mobile Ed: Understanding the Psalms Bundle (2 courses)
Mark Futato; Logos Mobile Education
Learn how to study and preach the Psalms with these courses by Dr. Mark Futato. Dr. Futato begins by painting the big picture of the Psalms—how they’re organized, what their genres and main messages are, and how they point to Christ. You’ll learn how to examine the text piece by piece, using the same interpretive methods Dr. Futato uses in his own research and preparation for preaching. He then demonstrates how to transform what you learn in your study into a well-crafted sermon that is rooted in scholarship and communicated clearly.
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Biblical Languages: Foundational Study Bundle
John Schwandt; Mark Futato; Logos Mobile Education
The Biblical Languages: Foundational Study Bundle has everything you need to master the basics of the original languages of the Old and New Testaments. The courses and their corresponding textbooks provide a solid foundation for learning the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of biblical Greek and Hebrew. After working through GK101 and HB101 you will be reading, translating, and understanding biblical texts in their original languages.
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Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE (6 vols.)
Gary V. Smith; Mark Futato; Richard A. Taylor; …
The Old Testament displays a remarkable literary and theological unity through a variety of genres. But applying a single, one-size-fits-all method of exegesis can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. A valuable reference for students and pastors, the Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series provides readers with an enhanced understanding of different Old Testament genres and strategies for interpretation. A valuable resource for students and pastors, the Kregel Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE provide an in-depth understanding of biblical genres and strategies for interpretation. Distinguish between Old Testament literary genres such as law, narrative, and poetry, and employ appropriate interpretive techniques for each.
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Kregel Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)
Allen P. Ross; Herbert Bateman; John D. Harvey; …
These commentaries and handbooks provide preachers and teachers the tools they need to craft sermons and lessons based on sound exegesis. Build your sermons with suggested homiletical outlines. Discover in-depth treatments of motifs throughout both the Old and New Testament. Tackle the most difficult exegetical challenges with expert help.
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Ed. Móvil: AT101 Introducción al Antiguo Testamento: Su estructura e historia
Mark Futato; Equipo Logos
¿Cuál es el mensaje del Antiguo Testamento y la historia de Israel? Este curso provee la respuesta trazando la épica historia de la interacción de Dios con la humanidad, a través de su pueblo: Israel. El Dr. Mark Futato acompaña a los estudiantes a través de los temas principales de los libros del Antiguo Testamento que narran la historia de Israel, desde el llamado del patriarca Abraham hasta el regreso del exilio: desde Génesis hasta 2 Reyes, 1-2 Crónicas, Esdras y Nehemías.
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Ed. Móvil: AT221 Cuestiones introductorias en Salmos
Mark Futato
Cuestiones introductorias en Salmos (AT221) presenta un panorama general de importantes elementos interpretativos del libro de Salmos, desafiando las posturas tradicionales en el proceso. Considera el libro de Salmos como un todo, examina e ilustra las diversas categorías de salmos particulares y sugiere implicaciones cristológicas del libro. El curso provee una comprensión sólida sobre cómo están organizados los salmos y de qué manera conducen hacia una forma de vivir fructífera.
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Mobile Ed: TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (5 hour course - audio)
C. John Collins; John H. Walton; Joseph A. Pipa Jr.; …
The belief that God created the world is foundational for Christians. However, the exact nature of God’s work in creation is debated. In this course, five leading Old Testament scholars present the distinct features and biblical bases of their particular views.
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Mobile Ed: Bible and Doctrine Foundations Bundle (8 courses)
Lynn H. Cohick; Mark Futato; Michael Goheen; …
Build the foundations of your biblical education with this eight-course bundle from Logos Mobile Ed. Leading scholars present essential introductions to the Old and New Testaments, doctrine, and biblical interpretation, making this the perfect place to begin.
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Biblical Languages (Exegesis Concentration): Intermediate Study Bundle
Andrew David Naselli; John Schwandt; Mark Futato; …
In the Biblical Languages: Intermediate Study Bundle you’ll build competence in the biblical languages—both Hebrew and Greek—and in exegesis of the Old and New Testaments. Starting with a study of the alphabets and pronunciation, you’ll move into learning Hebrew and Greek grammatical forms. Exercises and practice readings will reinforce your understanding along the way. You’ll learn how to observe , interpret, and apply the Christian Scriptures through twelve logical steps. These courses will guide you in studying and understanding the Bible from the original languages and into the mechanics of good exegesis and theology.
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Mobile Ed: OT391 The Shema (3 hour course - audio)
Mark Futato
Explore the depths of the Shema (Deut 6:4–9) and learn why this text is sacred not only to Jews but to Christians as well. Discover why Jesus quoted the Shema when asked what the greatest commandment is. Gain insight into the covenantal, volitional, and emotional aspects of love and what it means to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Dr. Mark Futato guides you through the text, shedding light on the Hebrew language and its various interpretations. He then identifies the Shema’s relevance today and how these commands can point us toward Jesus each and every day.
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Introdução ao Hebraico Bíblico
Mark Futato
Esta obra oferece ao aluno uma introdução completa ao hebraico bíblico num formato de fácil aprendizado. O texto não exige conhecimentos prévios da terminologia gramatical da nossa língua nem do hebraico. Todos os termos essenciais são apresentados ao longo da gramática em linguagem clara e não técnica.
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Mobile Ed: CM328 Preaching the Psalms (8 hour course)
Mark Futato; Logos Mobile Education
Preaching the Psalms (CM328) teaches students how to interpret and preach psalms according to their structure and the larger context of the book of Psalms. The course begins by introducing the mechanics of Hebrew poetry, including parallelism and the use of imagery, and explains how they affect meaning. It considers the book of Psalms as a whole, surveys and illustrates the various categories of psalms, and identifies christological implications of the book. It concludes with a four-step methodology for preaching the psalms and demonstrates implementation of those steps through the study of Psa 29.
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Joy Comes in the Morning: Psalms for All Seasons
Mark Futato
Life is a journey, full of smooth sailing and rocky roads. The Psalms are there for us as we experience life. They can clarify our thinking or release emotions from the deep well of the soul. Joy Comes in the Morning helps readers understand how to utilize the Psalms throughout life’s journey and introduces readers to the concept of genre. Joy Comes in the Morning is a unique combination of head and heart. It introduces readers to the importance of genre as an interpretive tool and demonstrates ...
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Zondervan Language Basics Series (11 vols.)
Archie T. Wright; Derek Cooper; Frederic Clarke Putnam; …
Providing grammars, readings, exercises, and a lexicons together, Zondervan Language Basics Series provides an ideal first step into important languages and focuses on getting the student into texts and translation as quickly as possible. This series minimizes technical jargon while breaking the grammar of language down into manageable and intuitive chunks.
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Pastorum Live 2012 Conference Videos
Craig A. Evans; Craig Keener; Daniel I. Block; …
The Pastorum Live conference brought together 21 evangelical scholars, some of whom have published academic commentaries, monographs, and biblical-language grammars. Now you’ll be able to watch all 21 sessions whenever you’d like. Throughout the more than 10 hours of footage from Pastorum Live 2012, you’ll learn about the Dead Sea Scrolls, Paul in Athens, the Sermon on the Mount, and lots of other topics. You’ll be better equipped to go deeper into the Word for Bible study, sermon preparation, a...
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Preaching: Advanced Study Bundle
Bryan Chapell; Constantine R. Campbell; J. Kent Edwards; …
In the Preaching: Advanced Study Bundle you’ll hone your homiletical skill with a comprehensive study of preaching. You’ll learn how to craft biblical sermons with instruction from scholars specialized in preaching. You’ll also study how to preach from the Old and New Testaments with a focus on biblical narrative and how to preach from the Psalms, Proverbs, and Ephesians. These courses encompass a comprehensive set of preaching resources for study and application in ministry.
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Ed. Móvil: Colección Suprema (33 cursos)
Bruce Ware; Bryan Chapell; Craig A. Evans; …
Esta es la segunda colección más completa de estudios académicos para tu formación ministerial. Cuenta con 33 cursos (185 horas de enseñanza) que incluyen: Interpretación bíblica, Estudio del Nuevo Testamento, Teología, Educación cristiana, Apologética, Estudios del Antiguo Testamento, Cuidado y Teología pastoral, Misiones, Predicación, Consejería y Desarrollo profesional y personal. Cuenta con un elenco de catedráticos y expertos en ministerio entre los que se encuentran: El Dr. Darrell L. Bock, Dr. Douglas J. Moo, el Dr. John M. Frame, el Dr. Mark Futato entre otros. Y recuerda, estos cursos no son solo videos, se integran perfectamente con el sistema Logos por lo que se pueden acceder tanto en tu computadora como en la web y tus dispositivos móviles tanto visualmente en audio o por lectura. Incluyen además guías de bibliografía suplementaria para expandir la enseñanza.
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