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Colección Vida: Teología
Frank Thielman; Gordon Fee; Melvin L. Hodges; …
Esta colección tiene el proposito esp[ecifico de proveer recursos de calidad que cubran los 4 puntos cardinales del estudio de la teología. La teología sistemática, la teología bíblica, la teología de Nuevo y del Antiguo testamento. He aquí una descripción de los títulos
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Edificaré Mi Iglesia
Melvin L. Hodges
Respaldado por una grande y fructífera labor en el ministerio, el Reverendo Melvin L. Hodges aporto a este libro sus amplios conocimientos en lo que respecta al método bíblico de propagación, gobierno y sosten de la iglesia.
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The Indigenous Church and the Indigenous Church and the Missionary
Melvin L. Hodges
Early in his ministry in Central America, Hodges became firmly convinced that training national workers was the key to effectively evangelizing any country. The Central American church experienced rapid growth in the early 1950s. In 1953, Hodges was asked to expound on the church planting principles used, so he wrote The Indigenous Church. This volume combines Hodges’ book The Indigenous Church with a later work, The Indigenous Church and the Missionary. These books have had an incalculable influence on missions worldwide. This new edition offers a fresh look at proven missions methodology for a new generation answering the call to reach the lost and to establish the Church worldwide.
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Colección Mi iglesia saludable (16 Vols)
Dean Merrill; George O. Wood; Melvin L. Hodges; …
Esta es una colección ideal para miembros de las Asambleas de Dios. Contiene dieciséis volúmenes variados que se alinean doctrinalmente con la teología de esta asociación pentecostal, y que tratan de forma práctica temas como el liderazgo, la iglesia autóctona, los dones del espíritu, el estudio bíblico y mucho más.
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2025 Charismatic Silver
The Charasmatic Silver Library makes Bible study simple and fast by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. It comes with over 170 books, with advanced reference works for understanding the biblical context of The Preacher's Commentary Series | TPC (35 vols.).
Sale $349.99
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2025 Charismatic Gold
The Charasmatic Gold Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Charasmatic Gold Library provides a comprehensive Bible study library. Contained are hundreds of resources including The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), College Press NIV Commentary (42 vols.), The Life Application Bible Commentary (17 vols.), alongside other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
Sale $849.99
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2025 Charismatic Platinum
The Charasmatic Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Charasmatic Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 1100 resources, the Charasmatic Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as Spectrum Multiview Book Series (27 vols.), Carta Biblical Background Collection (9 vols.), Opening Up Commentary Series (47 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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2025 Charismatic Portfolio
The Charasmatic Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Charasmatic Portfolio Library takes everything in the Charasmatic Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Charasmatic Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament | TDOT (17 vols.), The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (5 vols.), Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible | HERM (55 vols.), and many more. The Charasmatic Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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La iglesia autóctona y La iglesia autóctona y el misionero (2 libros)
Melvin L. Hodges
La iglesia autóctona: Un manual completo sobre cómo desarrollar muevas iglesias y La iglesia autóctona y el misionero por Melvin L. Hodges Temprano en su ministerio en América Central, Hodges se convenció de que la preparación de obreros nacionales era la clave para la evangelización de cualquier país. La iglesia en América Central creció rápidamente a comienzos de los años cincuenta. En 1953, Hodges, a petición de sus líderes, hizo una recopilación de los principios que aplicó en su trabajo como fundador de iglesias. Hoy tenemos un libro que combina dos obras de Hodges: La iglesia autóctona y La iglesia autóctona y el misionero. Estos dos títulos han tenido amplia influencia en las misiones mundiales. Esta nueva edición ofrece una fresco repaso de eficaz metodología misionera para una nueva generación que responde al llamado de alcanzar a los perdidos y establecer la Iglesia en todo el mundo.
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2025 Charismatic Diamond
The Charasmatic Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Charasmatic Diamond Library takes everything in the Charasmatic Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Two Horizons Commentary (23 vols.), LifeGuide Bible Studies Collection (139 vols.), The Bible Speaks Today Themes (23 vols.), and Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series Collection | SRC (10 vols.). With over 2000 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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Charismatic Theology and Ministry Collection (49 vols.)
Alfred Howard Carter; Edith Blumhofer; George O. Wood; …
This collection brings together resources that delve more deeply into the distinctives of Charismatic theology and ministry. With resources from a large group of authors, including Donald Gee, Smith Wigglesworth, George O. Wood, and others, learn more about Charismatic theology and ministry in general as well as doctrine that makes it unique.
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