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Mobile Ed: NT156 The Significance of the Resurrection (2 hour course)
Ben Witherington III; Craig A. Evans; Daniel M. Doriani; …
In this course learn the relationship between cultural elements present at the time of Jesus' death that indicated the timing of his burial, connect the New Testament resurrection account to elements within the Old Testament, and get a better understanding of the meaning of the resurrection—theologically and missiologically. This course features teachings from respected Christian theologians, including Elyse Fitzpatrick, Douglas J. Moo, Ben Witherington, Darrell L. Bock, and Michael W. Goheen.
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La verdadera historia del mundo
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
Este libro, gran éxito de ventas en su versión impresa, estudia la narrativa de la Biblia y su relato de la historia de la humanidad. La Biblia y las acciones de Dios que en ella se tratan es lo que da significado a nuestras vidas y provee fundamento para nuestras acciones.
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The Drama of Scripture: Finding our Place in the Biblical Story, 2nd ed.
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
This bestselling textbook surveys the grand narrative of the Bible, demonstrating how the biblical story forms the foundation of a Christian worldview.
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Pastorum Live 2012 Conference Videos
Craig A. Evans; Craig Keener; Daniel I. Block; …
The Pastorum Live conference brought together 21 evangelical scholars, some of whom have published academic commentaries, monographs, and Biblical language grammars. Now you’ll be able to purchase all 21 sessions to watch whenever you’d like.
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Mobile Ed: NT146 The Arrival of Christ and His Kingdom (2 hour course)
Ben Witherington III; Craig A. Evans; Craig Keener; …
This course of insightful instruction on the arrival of Christ and His kingdom is presented by a cohort of respected Christian theologians, including Craig A. Evans, Michael W. Goheen, Jeannine K. Brown, Mark L. Strauss, Joel Willitts, and Gerry Breshears. These scholars are well published in biblical interpretation, biblical theology, and the New Testament, and their combined expertise will allow students to gain the clearest insight as they study the New Testament. This course covers new perspectives on the eschatological expectations of first-century Judaism, the birth of the Messiah from each Gospel, and Christ’s kingdom mission.
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Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
How can Christians live faithfully at the crossroads of the story of Scripture and postmodern culture? In Living at the Crossroads, authors Michael Goheen and Craig Bartholomew explore this question as they provide a general introduction to Christian worldview. Ideal for both students and lay readers, Living at the Crossroads lays out a brief summary of the biblical story and the most fundamental beliefs of Scripture. The book tells the story of Western culture from the classical period to postmodernity. The authors then provide an analysis of how Christians live in the tension that exists at the intersection of the biblical and cultural stories, exploring the important implications in key areas of life, such as education, scholarship, economics, politics, and church.
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Mobile Ed: BI201 The Story of the Bible (6 hour course)
Michael Goheen; Logos Mobile Education
The Bible is a grand collection of 66 separate books—how are those books unified? This course introduces students to the coherent, unifying storyline that runs through the entire Bible. Dr. Mike Goheen—expert in missiology, theology, and worldview studies—shows how the drama of the Bible unfolds by tracing the major theological themes of redemption and restoration across both Testaments.
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Christian Philosophy: A Systematic and Narrative Introduction
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
This third book in a series of successful introductory textbooks by Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen builds on their previous projects, The Drama of Scripture and Living at the Crossroads, to offer a comprehensive narrative of philosophical thought from a distinctly Christian perspective. After exploring the interactions between Scripture, theology, and philosophy, the authors tell the story of philosophy from ancient Greece through postmodern times, positioning the philosophers in their historical contexts and providing Christian critiques along the way. The authors emphasize the Reformed philosophical tradition without neglecting other historical trajectories and show how philosophical thought relates to contemporary life.
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Mobile Ed: LD111 Foundations of Christian Leadership (2 hour course)
Beverly Hislop; Greg Ogden; Jeff Struecker; …
LD111 Foundations of Christian Leadership is presented by a team of six respected Mobile Ed speakers—Justin Irving, Greg Ogden, Bev Hislop, Jeff Struecker, Michael W. Goheen, and Timothy Sisk—who write and teach on leadership, discipleship, pastoral care, chaplaincy, missiology, and church planting. This course introduces Christian leadership, insights on how to grow as a leader and disciple leaders, and leadership across the contexts of chaplaincy, shepherding women, and the mission field.
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Baker Apologetics Collection (30 vols.)
Abdul Saleeb; Craig G. Bartholomew; Henry M. Morris; …
The 30-volume Baker Studies in Apologetics Collection presents different worldviews from a Christian perspective and explores various approaches to cogently defending Christianity in conversations with skeptics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Muslims, and people of the Jewish faith. It also offers insight into Christian living in a postmodern world. This collection helps both the beginning and the experienced apologist understand today’s philosophical issues while firmly defending the Christian faith.
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Mobile Ed: Preaching and Discipling Foundations Bundle (10 courses)
Beverly Hislop; Daniel M. Doriani; Greg Ogden; …
Be better prepared to proclaim God’s Word and equip others. These 10 courses will provide you with valuable training from leading pastors, professors, and authors such as J. Kent Edwards, Greg Ogden, Michael W. Goheen, and more.
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Drama of Scripture Trilogy (3 vols.)
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
Now updated with the second edition of Bartholomew and Goheen’s The Drama of Scripture, this collection assembles the philosophy, worldview, and narrative studies found in the compelling introductory texts from scholars Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen. Addressing issues relevant to modern Christian life and ministry, these three works are the perfect starting point for serious personal study or engaging group conversation. What does a theologically sound Christian Worldview look like in a postmodern society? How can you read the events of Scripture to make their drama more personally potent? What do the ideas of philosophers like Plato, Hume, or Nietzsche mean for twenty-first-century Christians? Bartholomew and Goheen address these questions and many more in this trilogy.
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A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story
Michael Goheen
There is a growing body of literature about the missional church, but the word “missional” is often defined in competing ways with little attempt to ground it deeply in Scripture. In A Light to the Nations, Michael Goheen unpacks the missional identity of the church by tracing the role God’s people are called to play in the biblical story. Goheen examines the historical, theological, and biblical foundations of missional ecclesiology, showing that the church’s identity can be understood only when its role is articulated in the context of the whole biblical story—not just the New Testament. He shows that the Old Testament is essential to understanding the church’s missional identity. Goheen also explores practical outworkings and implications and offers field-tested suggestions, putting Lesslie Newbigin’s missionary ecclesiology to work in shaping the contemporary church. The book is written at a level easily accessible to students in missions, pastoral, worldview, and theology cours...
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The Church and Its Vocation: Lesslie Newbigin’s Missionary Ecclesiology
Michael Goheen
Lesslie Newbigin, one of the twentieth century’s most important church leaders, offered insights on the church in a pluralistic world that are arguably more relevant now than when first written. This volume presents his ecclesiology to a new generation. Michael Goheen clearly articulates Newbigin’s missionary understanding of the church and places it in the context of Newbigin’s core theological convictions. Suitable for students as well as church leaders, this book offers readers a better understanding of the mission of the church in the world today. Foreword by N. T. Wright.
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Baker Global Missions Collection (20 vols.)
Arthur F. Glasser; Charles Van Engen; Craig Ott; …
The Global Missions Collection contains books that cover the spectrum of modern mission work—from the living room of a Muslim neighbor to the streets of the world’s largest cities. The goal of missions remains the same, but the methodology, organization, and execution continues to evolve. The 20 volumes in this collection offer a comprehensive look at today’s outreach efforts from leaders in the field.
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The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story, 3rd ed.
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
In this bestselling textbook, Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen survey the grand narrative of the Bible, demonstrating how the biblical story forms the foundation of a Christian worldview. In considering the biblical story, the authors emphasize the unity of the whole, viewing the Bible as a drama in six acts: creation, sin, Israel, Christ, church, and new creation. Two overarching themes—covenant in the Old Testament and kingdom in the New Testament—tie the biblical story together. Throughout, the authors suggest, God is revealed through the story and calls us to participate in his drama.
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창조, 타락, 구속
Michael Goheen; Albert M. Wolters; 마이클 고힌; …
『창조ㆍ타락ㆍ구속』은 개혁주의 세계관을 이해하는 데 필요한 성경적인 기초를 제시하고 있다.이 책은 기독교 세계관에 대한 최고의 안내서다. '창조', '타락', '구속'이라는 세계관의 틀과 '구조'와 '방향'이라는 교정 렌즈를 소개하는 내용을 담아, 내러티브와 선교라는 흐름에서 기독교 세계관을 고찰하고 있다.
Sale $8.49
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The True Story of the Whole World: Finding Your Place in the Biblical Drama, rev. ed.
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen
This book provides an overview of the grand narrative of the Bible, showing how God’s action in the world gives meaning to our lives and provides us with a foundation for our actions. The authors’ bestselling textbook, The Drama of Scripture, presented this message for a student audience. It was then abridged and published at a more popular level as The True Story of the Whole World. This revised edition has been further updated and streamlined throughout for church readers and small groups. It includes contemporary reflection sections and discussion questions for individual or group use in each chapter.
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Ed. Móvil: NT156 Comprendiendo la Pascua: La importancia de la Resurrección
Ben Witherington III; Craig A. Evans; Daniel M. Doriani; …
Este curso reúne a diez ponentes diferentes de Mobile Ed para discutir el acontecimiento central del NT y el más significativo de la historia cristiana: la muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. Este curso enriquecerá su comprensión de la Pascua al abarcar cuestiones culturales relacionadas con el juicio, la crucifixión, la sepultura y la resurrección de Jesús. Explora la teología bíblica de la historia, desde sus antecedentes en el AT hasta su significado escatológico. Finalmente, el curso examina cómo esa teología se aplica hoy en día en el asesoramiento y en nuestro propio discipulado cristiano.
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Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History and Issues
Michael Goheen
Best Texts of Missiology, Hearts and Minds Bookstore Mission--a driving force in the long Christian story--today is often cast as the embarrassing relative of tall-steeple religiosity. In our wider culture it’s now tucked in the endnotes of book-club histories or forms the ghostlike ellipses in the six o’clock news. But in Introducing Christian Mission Today, Michael Goheen brings the vibrant history, motivation and challenges of Christian mission to the fore. Through the centuries Christian mission has always been recalibrating, retooling and reevangelizing. It has repeatedly taken surprising turns as it is carried along by the Spirit of God. Goheen’s introduction to mission’s biblical, theological and historical dimensions engages the present and anticipates the future. As he unfolds the major issues of the global and urban, the pluralistic and wholistic contexts of mission today, he lays the ground for engaging in God’s great kingdom enterprise.
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Mobile Ed: PC101 Pastoral Ministry in a Missional Church (7 hour course)
Michael Goheen; Logos Mobile Education
In this course Dr. Michael Goheen examines the identity of the church according to the Bible and then considers the implications of this identity for the church’s mission. Beginning with the concept of a missional community in the OT, Goheen traces God’s work among His people into the NT community of believers and offers perspective on how the ministries of today’s church can be structured to fulfill God’s calling.
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Mobile Ed: Bible and Doctrine Foundations Bundle (8 courses)
Lynn H. Cohick; Mark Futato; Michael Goheen; …
Build the foundations of your biblical education with this eight-course bundle from Logos Mobile Ed. Leading scholars present essential introductions to the Old and New Testaments, doctrine, and biblical interpretation, making this the perfect place to begin.
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Preaching: Foundational Study Bundle
Bryan Chapell; J. Kent Edwards; Michael Goheen; …
In the Preaching: Foundational Study Bundle you’ll build competence in the basics of preaching. You’ll learn the history of preaching across church history, study the unifying story line that runs through the Bible, and answer the question, “Why preach?” Your homiletical skill to communicate the gospel will be strengthened as you learn elements of sermon preparation and how to structure and deliver expository sermons with a focus on illustrations and application. These courses will help you understand what a biblical sermon looks like and how to overcome challenges you’ll face as a preacher.
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Reading the Bible Missionally
Michael Goheen
Over the past half century, it has become clear that mission is a central theme in the Bible’s narrative and, moreover, is central to the very identity of the church. This book significantly widens and deepens the emerging conversation on missional hermeneutics. Essays from top biblical and missiological scholars discuss reading the Scriptures missionally, using mission as a key interpretive lens. Five introductory chapters probe various elements of a missional hermeneutic, followed by sections on the Old and New Testaments that include chapters on two books from each to illustrate what a missional reading of them looks like. Essays in two concluding sections draw out the implications of a missional reading of Scripture for preaching and for theological education.
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Mobile Ed: TH191 Missional Approach to World Religions (8 hour course)
Michael Goheen; Logos Mobile Education
In Missional Approach to World Religions (TH191), Dr. Michael Goheen provides a framework for understanding and analyzing world religions. He discusses the theology of religions and gives an overview of three major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. Goheen examines the heart or core behind the beliefs and practices of these religions and discusses how Christians might begin to dialogue with people of these faiths.
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Mobile Ed: Missions and Church Planting Bundle (4 courses)
Michael Goheen; Timothy Sisk; Don Fanning; …
Learn both the biblical history and the current trends in missions with Logos Mobile Education’s Missions and Church Planting Bundle. These four courses provide insights and instruction from church planters and mission specialists Michael Goheen, Don Fanning, and Tim Sisk. Explore the history of missions from the first century to the present.
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The Symphony of Mission: Playing Your Part in God’s Work in the World
Michael Goheen; Jim Mullins
This book is designed to help all people understand the broad scope of God’s mission. Michael Goheen and Jim Mullins explain that everyone can live intentionally into God’s mission by understanding its many facets and focusing on a particular calling. Just like different instruments of a symphony harmonize together, each aspect of human participation in mission—evangelism, justice initiatives, poverty alleviation, faithful work in the marketplace, art—can help people play their part in God’s work in the world. Combining expertise from a mission scholar and a working pastor, the book includes practical examples and tools to help readers imagine their part in God’s mission.
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Pastorum Live 2012 Conference Videos
Craig A. Evans; Craig Keener; Daniel I. Block; …
The Pastorum Live conference brought together 21 evangelical scholars, some of whom have published academic commentaries, monographs, and biblical-language grammars. Now you’ll be able to watch all 21 sessions whenever you’d like. Throughout the more than 10 hours of footage from Pastorum Live 2012, you’ll learn about the Dead Sea Scrolls, Paul in Athens, the Sermon on the Mount, and lots of other topics. You’ll be better equipped to go deeper into the Word for Bible study, sermon preparation, a...
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Baker Academic Whole Bible Surveys (3 Vols.)
Craig G. Bartholomew; Michael Goheen; Robert W. Wall; …
This new collection of bible surveys and introductions provide thoughtful overview of the entirety of scripture from the beginning of creation in Genesis to the appearance of the New Jerusalem in Revelation. While many works for studying scripture focus on the minute details of the text, interpretation, and culture, they represent a risk of loosing the forest for the trees. Bible survey's help aleviate that risk by focusing on the larger picture and the flow of the biblical story.
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Becoming a Missionary Church: Lesslie Newbigin and Contemporary Church Movements
Michael Goheen; Timothy M. Sheridan
This book offers a historical assessment and balanced critique of contemporary church movements, especially in light of missional ecclesiology. An expert on Lesslie Newbigin and an expert on contemporary church models show how Newbigin’s ideas have been developed and contextualized in three popular contemporary church movements: missional, emergent, and center church. In addition, the authors explain that some of Newbigin’s insights have been neglected and need to be retrieved for the present day. This book calls for the recovery of the missionary nature of the church and commends church practices applicable to any congregation.
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