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I Never Knew That Was In The Bible!
Kate Hughes; Martin Manser; Natasha B. Fleming
The Ultimate A-to-Z Resource to Common Expressions and Curious Words from the BibleMartin Manser is a professional reference-book editor and Bible scholar who has compiled and edited more than 70 titles, including dictionaries and biblical reference works. He holds the BA Honours degree in linguisti...
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The Ultimate A to Z Resource Series Collection (5 vols.)
James A. Beverley; Kate Hughes; Ken Anderson; …
The Thomas Nelson A to Z Collection is your one-stop collection for quick, concise, and funny answers from the Bible. These five topical guides shows you where the Bible has your answers and teaches you interesting Bible factoids that’ll shock and surprise you. Get biblical answers from the experts at Thomas Nelson—and save time when you’re looking up references, allusions, or random facts in your Bible study.
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Thomas Nelson Research Library (90 vols.)
Get this amazing deal on Thomas Nelson titles covering a wide range of topics, from ministry and pastoral counseling to biblical studies and commentaries to spiritual growth and apologetics. This incredible value is only available for a limited time.
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Zondervan Ultimate Collection (1,010 Resources)
Containing some of the best Zondervan works, this is a comprehensive library of premier Evangelical Christian biblical research. Resources included in this collection provide readers with a wide array of content from Greek and Hebrew textbook to biblical interpretation, hermeneutics and bible study, from commentaries, biblical exegesis, theology, and church history, to pastoral ministry, life application, and devotional material. You will benefit from the scholarly and practical guidance from authors including Douglas Moo, D.A. Carson, John Walton, Tremper Longman, III, and Walter Kaiser, and some of its most-respected series, including Word Biblical Commentary, NIV Application Commentary, Expositor’s Bible Commentary, and the Counterpoints series. With this collection you will have an immense Bible reference library to engage with key scholars, doctrines, and events of the Christian faith.
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