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Tablet Bundle (8 vols.)
George MacDonald; John Piper; N. T. Wright; …
Grow in your faith life with these eight classics of Christian spirituality and the devotional life! Featuring works on prayer, grace, Jesus, and the Christian life, these books are ideal for reading cover-to-cover on a tablet or mobile device. Read the inspirational and faith-building thoughts R.C. Sproul, N.T. Wright, John Piper, R.A. Torrey, and others in this made-for-tablet bundle. With classic Christian works for the whole family, this collection keeps on giving throughout the year. Includes: A Godward Life by John Piper, Simply Christian by N.T. Wright, The Unexpected Jesus by R.C. Sproul, Sovereign Grace by D.L. Moody, Power and Peace in Prayer by R.A. Torrey, Christian Perfection by P.T. Forsyth, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis, The Gifts of the Child Christ and Other Tales by George MacDonald.
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The Soul of Prayer
Peter Taylor Forsyth
It is difficult and even formidable thing to write on prayer, and one fears to touch the Ark. Perhaps no one ought to undertake it unless he has spent more toil in the practice of prayer than on its principle. But perhaps also the effort to look into its principle may be graciously regarded by Him w...
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Frédéric Louis Godet Commentaries and Studies of the New Testament Collection (16 vols.)
Adolf von Harnack; Auguste Sabatier; Bernard Snell; …
One of the most influential and widely-cited conservative scholars from nineteenth century Europe, Frédéric Louis Godet contributed enormously to New Testament scholarship in general and the debate over biblical inspiration in particular. As the author of more than a dozen New Testament commentaries and an expert on the life of Paul and the Pauline epistles, Godet, a prolific writer, is rightfully remembered as one of the most influential conservative voices in European biblical scholarship.
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P. T. Forsyth Collection (24 vols.)
Peter Taylor Forsyth; Dora Greenwell; J. A. Hamilton
The P. T. Forsyth Collection brings together 24 works from this celebrated Scottish theologian and preacher. After studying at the University of Göttingen under the notable theologian Albrecht Ritschl, Forsyth went on to become one of the early twentieth centuries’ most influential theologians—his ideas are largely thought to have anticipated, and mirrored, the neo-orthodox movement of Karl Barth and Emil Brunner.
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The Work of Christ
Peter Taylor Forsyth
A rising trend in churches are favoring an undogmatic Christianity which is without apostolic or evangelical substance, cultivating a certain emulsion of sympathetic mysticism, intuitional belief, and benevolent action. Among lay minds of a devout and social but impatiently practical habit, this is likely to spread, particularly among those whose public interests get the upper hand of ethical and historical insight and denude their religion of most of the reflection it demands. A healthy church ...
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Positive Preaching and Modern Mind
Peter Taylor Forsyth
“The Christian preacher is not the successor of the Greek orator, but of the Hebrew prophet. The orator comes with but an inspiration, the prophet comes with a revelation.” Positive Preaching and Modern Mind is a series of lectures Forsyth delivered to students about to enter into the ministry. Three things are discussed in their various aspects in the nine lectures: the preacher, the gospel, and the age. For over one hundred years these lectures • on preaching have remained popular. Lecture...
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2025 Reformed Portfolio
The Reformed Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Portfolio Library takes everything in the Reformed Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Reformed Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Tyndale Commentaries | TOTC/TNTC (47 vols.), Barth’s Church Dogmatics (31 vols.), The Works of Jonathan Edwards (41 vols.), Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC (17 vols.), and many more. The Reformed Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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The Cruciality of the Cross
Peter Taylor Forsyth
The Cruciality of the Cross is a strong plea for the orthodox doctrine of atonement, expiation, and propitiation. Forsyth views forgiveness through the atonement as essential to evangelical Christianity in respect to the New Testament Gospel, the Christian experience, and modern thought. He devotes a chapter to each of these themes and closes with a chapter on the moral meaning of the blood of Christ. “An evangelical Church has stood, and stands, not only for the supreme value of Christ’s death,...
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Logos 6 Collector's Edition Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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The Justification of God: Lectures for War-Time on a Christian Theodicy
Peter Taylor Forsyth
The Justification of God: Lectures for War-Time on a Christian Theodicy appeared during the height of World War I, when many Christians were having trouble reconciling their faith in God with the horrors of war. It is during such troubling times that the church is in need of competent leaders—those trained to minister during crises with a historical, universal, ethical, theological, and eternal understanding of the church. But The Justification of God is also a reassuring work, for in it Forsyth...
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The Person and Place of Jesus Christ
Peter Taylor Forsyth
The Person and Place of Jesus Christ contains 12 lectures originally delivered to the Congregational Memorial Hall of London in 1909. The first 7 lectures discuss the deity of Christ and his place in the Christian religion. The remaining lectures examine the Christ’s preexistence, self-emptying, and self-fulfillment. Lectures include • Lay Religion and Apostolic • The Religion of Jesus and the Gospel of Christ • The Greatness of Christ and the Interpretations Thereof • The Testim...
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Christian Perfection
Peter Taylor Forsyth
P. T. Forsyth’s study of Christian perfection begins with a discussion on the sin of the regenerate, both personal and in Scripture. It then examines the nature of faith and redemption. “To be perfect is to be in Christ Jesus by faith. It is the right relation to God in Christ, not the complete achievement of Christian character.” Forsyth then examines what it means to be faithful: humility, patience, thankfulness, prayer, duty, love—all are needed in the Christian’s pursuit of “perfection.”
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The Power of Prayer
Peter Taylor Forsyth; Dora Greenwell
P. T. Forsyth and Dora Greenwell’s The Power of Prayer is divided into three parts. Dora Greenwell penned the first, “Prayer Considered in Its Relation to the Will of Man, and in Its Dependence on the Sacrifice of Christ’s Death,” in which she stresses two points in respect to prayer. First, it is more matter of will and freedom than we mostly think. And second, it is connected more directly and vitally than we realize with the cross of Christ. Forsyth authored the second and third parts, “Praye...
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Socialism, the Church and the Poor
Peter Taylor Forsyth
Socialism, the Church and the Poor is divided into two parts: “The Church and Socialism” and “Christ and the Poor.” In the first, Forsyth answers the question, What is the position and duty of the Church in relation to morals and economics? In the second, he argues that Jesus has been appropriated and exploited for political purposes. “It is not possible with due knowledge of the New Testament to hold that Jesus was above all things a social reformer.”
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The Christian Ethic of War
Peter Taylor Forsyth
In The Christian Ethic of War, P. T. Forsyth looks to Christ’s atonement for the justification of war by Christians. “I do not aim here at expounding that Atonement, but at working out some of its moral implicates and results on the public and national side—a side on which a Christianity based only on Christ’s teaching has been criticized as defective.” He explores these results in the following chapters: • Killing No Murder • The Judgment of Crime by Crime • War and Love • Judgm...
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The Taste of Death and the Life of Grace
Peter Taylor Forsyth
The Taste of Death and the Life of Grace is divided into two parts. The first is based on Hebrews 2:9, Christ’s tasting death for all. The second part is on Philippians 2:5–8, Christ’s emptying of himself in the Incarnation.
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The Atonement in Modern Religious Thought: A Theological Symposium
A. Cave; Adolf von Harnack; Auguste Sabatier; …
From a series of articles which appeared in The Christian World during 1899–1900, this volume gives readers a large and comprehensive view of the central doctrine of the Christian faith, and to consider the main lines of argument from each perspective. The Atonement in Modern Religious Thought contains essays from the most influential theologians from the turn of the century—from various countries, churches, and theological perspectives. It is designed for readers to gain mutual understanding on divergent—and occasionally contrary—views of the atonement. In addition to an essay by Godet, this volume also contains contributions from P.T. Forsyth, Lyman Abbot, Adolf Harnack, and R.J. Campbell.
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The Holy Father and the Living Christ
Peter Taylor Forsyth
This little volume contains two essays from P. T. Forsyth. The first is “The Holy Father,” an essay on John 17:11. The second essay is “The Living Christ,” an essay on Revelation 1:17–18.
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Logos 6 Reformed Diamond Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Logos 6 Reformed Portfolio Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Christ on Parnassus: Lectures on Art, Ethic, and Theology
Peter Taylor Forsyth
Art and religion have always been closely connected, and they have exerted on each other an influence which not only gives scope for a variety of opinion, but opens regions of inviting speculation on some of the rarest qualities and energies of the human spirit. In Christ on Parnassus, Forsyth broadly traces the progress of art under the influence of religion in certain phases of its existence. He first deals with Hellenic art and religion, then with Hebrew art and Religion, then with the growth...
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Lectures on the Church and the Sacraments
Peter Taylor Forsyth
There is something which Roman Catholicism and Protestantism in their extreme forms underprize, and that is the Gospel as the power of a Holy God for our moral redemption in a kingdom. The Free Churches have tended to idolize liberty at the cost of the truth and power which makes liberty—at the cost therefore of reverence, penitence, and humility. The Catholic Churches have tended, on the other side, to idolize unity, to sacrifice the Church’s holiness to her catholicity, and to lose the moral p...
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Pulpit Parables for Young Hearers
Peter Taylor Forsyth; J. A. Hamilton
Religion as presented to the young is too often despoiled of its grace and mystery in the anxious effort to make it more easily understood. The effort to make religious truth both simple and definite may be so far overdone as to permanently belittle the child’s ideas of things spiritual and eternal. Forsyth, in the Pulpit Parables for Young Hearers, hopes to avoid these pitfalls by enlisting the king-faculty of imagination in the service of faith. For this reason, the little allegories in the bo...
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Theology in Church and State
Peter Taylor Forsyth
The theme of this volume is twofold. First, that the idea of the church and its supernatural life by a new creation is decaying in several of the churches that have been most critical about its relation to the state; whereas it is only a high and distinctive idea of the church that gives us any right or principle regarding that relation. And, second, that a true church is inseparable from a belief in certain doctrines for which men are ready to die—is, indeed, impossible without such belief; and...
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The Charter of the Church: Six Lectures on the Spiritual Principle of Nonconformity
Peter Taylor Forsyth
“If grace be absolutely free, so must faith be. If it be redeeming grace, its product must be a redeemed—a liberated faith. If faith obey another power than God’s grace, or if it do not deal directly with God’s grace, with Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, it is an enslaved faith—even if it is broad enough to hold all the population and all the heresies.” The Charter of the Church is a clear and spirited exposition of the position of the Nonconformist Churches in England, given in a series of s...
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Faith, Freedom, and the Future
Peter Taylor Forsyth
In the 12 lectures contained in Faith, Freedom, and the Future, Forsyth looks to the Anabaptists before the Reformation as key to understanding the Nonconformists of England and how the histories of both might be learned from in order to direct the future of the church. Lectures include: • The Word and the Spirit • Anabaptism and the Reformation • Rational Spiritualism • Anabaptism and Independency—Part 1 • Anabaptism and Independency—Part 2 • Particular Anabaptist Featur...
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This Life and the Next: The Effect on This Life of Faith in Another
Peter Taylor Forsyth
“I am not proposing to speak about the grounds in this life of a belief in another, but about the reaction of that belief upon this life.” P. T. Forsyth’s This Life and the Next is a rich and rewarding study of the impact the belief in immortality should have on the conduct of one’s present life. The doctrine of immortality must not be a doctrine for the end of life; instead, it must be a working principle in our everyday lives.
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Marriage: Its Ethic and Religion
Peter Taylor Forsyth
Marriage: Its Ethic and Religion is a revised and expanded lecture originally delivered to the National Council of Public Morals. It deals with the institution of marriage in all its aspects: historic, individual, social, and religious. He reviews the various substitutes that have been proposed for the Christian ideal and traces their consequences if put into practice.
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The Principle of Authority in Relation to Certainty, Sanctity and Society: An Essay in the Philosophy of Experimental Religion
Peter Taylor Forsyth
There is only one thing greater than liberty, and that is authority. The conviction in these pages is that the principle of authority is ultimately the whole religious question, that an authority of any practical kind draws its meaning and its right only from the soul’s relation to its God, and this is so not only for religion strictly so called, nor for a church, but for a public life, social life, and the whole history and career of humanity. Forsyth unfolds this thesis with reference to the n...
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