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The New Bible Commentary (NBC)
D. A. Carson; Gordon J. Wenham; J. Alec Motyer; …
In recent years there have been many new developments in biblical scholarship, some challenging and some affirming scriptural accounts. This authoritative reference work brings together many of the finest scholars of our day to meet the needs of the church well into the twenty-first century. This re...
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The Gospel of Matthew (The New International Commentary on the New Testament | NICNT)
R. T. France
“It is a special pleasure to introduce R. T. (Dick) France’s commentary to the pastoral and scholarly community, who should find it a truly exceptional—and helpful—volume.” So says Gordon Fee in his preface to this work. France’s masterful commentary on Matthew focuses on exegesis of Matthew’s text as it stands rather than on the prehistory of the material or details of Synoptic comparison. The exegesis of each section is part of a planned literary whole supplemented, rather than controlled, by verse-by-verse commentary, allowing the text as a complete story to come into brilliant focus.
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Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition | REBC (13 vols.)
Alan F. Johnson; Allen P. Ross; Andrew E. Hill; …
Since 1976 pastors, teachers, and students have turned to the Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) for content they can trust. With two million copies sold, the award-winning legacy continues in 2012 with a complete, totally revised, and updated 13-volume set. This new Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (REBC), 13 volume series contains 60% new content and provides the most recent evangelical scholarship from world-class scholars including new contributors George Guthrie, John Walton, Andrew E. Hill, Eugene H. Merrill, Andreas Köstenberger, and more.
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Teach the Text Commentary Series | TTCS (21 vols.)
Andrew Schmutzer; C. Hassell Bullock; C. Marvin Pate; …
The Teach the Text Commentary series gives Bible teachers the best in biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from interpretation to communication of each book of Scripture. By keeping the discussion of each carefully selected preaching unit to six pages of focused commentary, the volumes in this series allow pastors to quickly grasp the big idea and key themes of each passage of Scripture. The text and its meaning are made clear, and sections dedicated to effectively teaching and illustrating the text help pastors prepare to preach.
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The Gospel of Mark (The New International Greek Testament Commentary | NIGTC)
R. T. France
Drawing on many years of Marcan studies, world-class scholar R. T. France has produced an exegetical commentary on the Greek text of Mark that does what the best of recent Greek commentaries have done but in France's own inimitable, reader-friendly way.
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Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 8 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 8. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Luke (Teach the Text Commentary Series)
R. T. France
Luke’s Gospel is about salvation. It is filled with Jesus’ encounters with lost, often marginalized people and the change he brought to their lives. Luke carefully sets his narrative both in the historical context of its day and within the prophetic context of God’s larger salvation history. In this commentary, noted scholar R.T. France provides valuable historical, theological, and practical insight for those who wish to faithfully teach and preach the powerful message of salvation found in Luke.
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New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Bill T. Arnold; Bruce K. Waltke; …
This massive collection includes most current editions in the New International Commentary (NIC) series covering many of the books of the Old and New Testament, providing the student of Scripture an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. This conviction, shared by all contributors to New International Commentary (NIC), defines the goal of this ambitious series of commentaries.
Sale $1,860.99
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The New International Greek Testament Commentary Series | NIGTC (13 vols.)
Anthony Thiselton; Charles A. Wanamaker; F. F. Bruce; …
The volumes of the NIGTC are for students who want something less technical than a full-scale critical commentary. At the same time, the commentaries are intended to interact with modern scholarship and to make their own scholarly contribution to the study of the New Testament. The wealth of detailed study of the New Testament in articles and monographs continues without interruption, and the series is meant to harvest the results of this research in an easily accessible form. The commentaries include, therefore, extensive bibliographies and attempt to treat all important problems of history, exegesis, and interpretation that arise from the New Testament text.
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Unfiltered (Logos Special Edition)
Have you ever wondered what to do with the weird passages in Scripture? Who are the Nephilim? How did Satan fall? And what are angels really like? Enter the realms of angels, demons, giants, and more as Mike Heiser helps you understand the Bible’s biggest mysteries. Enjoy lifting the veil and peering into the unknown with a massive collection of Mike Heiser's works. Study the Bible with the very same resources and research Mike relies on using the powerful tools found in Logos Bible Software to dig deeper and discover more.
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Hebrews–Revelation (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised Edition, Volume 13 | REBC)
Alan F. Johnson; David E. Garland; George Guthrie; …
With the Logos edition of the Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (13 vols.) you can perform powerful searches and access a wealth of information on the Old and New Testaments quickly and easily! Hovering over Scripture references displays the text in its original language or your preferred English translation, and you can link the commentaries to the other commentaries in your digital library for accurate research and a fuller understanding of the Bible. Readers will find this series a welcome and essential aid to a better understanding of the Bible.
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Matthew (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries | TNTC)
R. T. France
Matthew--the visit of the Magi, the Sermon on the Mount, the Great Commission: these are only a few of the well-known passages that draw readers specifically to Matthew's gospel. Yet it begins with a forbidding list of unknown names and apparently irrelevant 'begettings'. In fact, the early church may have placed Matthew first in the New Testament because it more fully than any other Gospel provides a Christian perspective on the relation between the church and the Jews, an issue that is still important today. R. T. France tackles this and other key issues in the Gospel with clarity, reliability and relevance.
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Gospels and Acts, 5 vols. (New International Commentary on the New Testament | NICNT)
F. F. Bruce; J. Ramsey Michaels; Joel B. Green; …
This collection includes the volumes on the Gospels and Acts from The New International Commentary on the New Testament, providing an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. This conviction, shared by all contributors to The New International Commentary on the New Testament, defines the goal of this ambitious series.
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NICOT & NICNT 주석 시리즈 (15권)
Gordon Fee; John Oswalt; R. T. France; …
『NICOT & NICNT 주석 시리즈』는 성경을 하나님의 말씀으로 고백하는 복음주의적 관점을 견지하면서 학문적인 탁월함과 신앙적인 적용을 함께 추구하는 주석 시리즈로서, 목회자와 신학자 모두가 복음주의 개신교 전통의 틀 안에서 성경을 연구할 수 있도록 돕는 정통 주석이다.
Sale $517.99
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NIGTC 주석 시리즈 (6권)
G. K. Beale; Peter H. Davids; R. T. France; …
『NIGTC 주석 시리즈』는 신약성경을 그리스어 본문과 더불어 연구하려는 독자들의 필요를 충족시키기 위해 출간되었다. NIGTC 시리즈의 주석들은 독자가 현대의 학문적 업적 및 신약성경과 관련된 심도 깊은 연구에 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 형태로 만들어졌다. 역사적, 비평적, 언어학적 석의에 근거하여 본문에 대한 신학적 이해를 제공함으로써 독자의 깊이 있는 성경 연구를 돕는다.
Sale $219.99
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New International Commentary on the New Testament | NICNT (20 vols.)
David A. deSilva; Douglas J. Moo; F. F. Bruce; …
This collection includes the current editions from The New International Commentary on the New Testament to provide an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. This conviction is shared by all contributors to The New International Commentary on the New Testament and defines the goal of this ambitious series.
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Tyndale Commentaries | TOTC/TNTC (47 vols.)
Andrew E. Steinmann; Andrew E. Hill; Colin G. Kruse; …
This massive collection from IVP combines the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC) and the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC) to provide an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. The Tyndale Commentaries Series has long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, each book offers clear, reliable, and relevant expositions. The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting and purpose. Following a structural analysis, the Commentary takes the book section-by-section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of...
Sale $699.99
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NICNT 마태복음
R. T. France; R. T. 프랜스
D. A. 카슨이 최고의 마태복음 주석서로 소개한 『NICNT 마태복음』은 프랜스 박사가 은퇴한 후에 평생 마태복음을 가르치고 연구하며 사색하고 묵상한 결과를 한 권의 주석서로 정리한 역작이다.
Sale $54.99
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Logos 6 Gold Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library commentaries, theological dictionaries, and other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
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NIGTC 마가복음
R. T. France; R. T. 프란스
독자가 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 형태로 만들어 진 NIGTC 주석은 역사적, 비평적, 언어학적 석의에 근거하여 본문에 대한 신학적 이해를 제공하여 독자의 깊이 있는 성경 연구를 돕는다. NIGTC의 마가복음 주석은 1세기 팔레스타인에 대한 연구를 십분 활용함과 동시에 마가복음의 구조와 맥락 및 구약의 사용에 주의를 기울이면서, 자세하지만 너무 과하지 않고 복음주의적이면서도 날카로운 비평적 관점을 제공한다.
Sale $47.49
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Nuevo Comentario Internacional del Nuevo Testamento (13 vols.) (NCINT)
David A. deSilva; Douglas J. Moo; Gareth Lee Cockerill; …
Descubre la riqueza del Nuevo Testamento como nunca antes con la última edición del Comentario Internacional Nuevo del Nuevo Testamento.Esta serie meticulosamente depurada es perfecta para aquellos que buscan una comprensión profunda y actualizada de las Escrituras, manteniendo siempre la fidelidad a la Palabra de Dios como la verdad infalible. Cada volumen es una herramienta esencial, diseñada tanto para eruditos como para creyentes apasionados, ofreciendo guía autorizada y perspectivas frescas que conectan el mundo antiguo con los desafíos contemporáneos.
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Gospels-Acts, 17 vols. (New Testament Technical Commentary Collection)
C. K. Barrett; D. A. Carson; Dale C. Allison Jr.; …
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, together with the Book of Acts, provide the primary narrative of the life of Jesus and the early church and are, therefore, foundational elements to any study of the New Testament. Included in this collection is some of the best scholarly work for studies in the Gospels and Acts and feature experts like R.T. France, I. Howard Marshall, Raymond Edward Brown, D. A. Carson, and F. F. Bruce, among others. Emphasizing translation from the Greek text rather than reliance on a particular English translation of the text, these titles will equip students, pastors, professors, or lay persons to engage with the material in both depth and breadth.
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IVP UK Reference Collection (9 vols.)
Brian S. Rosner; D. A. Carson; D. R. W. Wood; …
The IVP UK Reference Collection makes available some of the most useful reference works in Bible and theology. With a world class reputation, IVP’s dictionaries and single volume commentaries have set a high standard for blending rigorous scholarship with practical and pastoral accessibility. Providing nearly eight thousand pages of reference material, you will be able to dig into fascinating and important topics in biblical theology, geography, cultural, and exegesis.
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El Evangelio de Marcos: Un comentario sobre el texto griego (NCITG)
R. T. France
France contempla la estructura del Evangelio de Marcos como un verdadero "drama en tres actos". El primer acto trata acerca del ministerio público de Jesús en Galilea. El segundo abarca el viaje de Jesús a Jerusalén con sus discípulos. El tercero gira en torno a su ministerio en Jerusalén e incluye su enfrentamiento con los líderes judíos, su discurso sobre el futuro, y su pasión, muerte y resurrección. France expone detalladamente los dos temas centrales de esta poderosa narración de la vida de Jesús —la naturaleza de Cristo y el papel del discipulado. Con el respaldo de una cuidadosa argumentación e impresionante por su adaptabilidad a la estructura de Marcos, al contexto y al uso del Antiguo Testamento, el estudio de France sobre el segundo Evangelio no tiene comparación.
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Gospels and Acts, 5 vols. (Tyndale New Testament Commentary | TNTC)
Colin G. Kruse; I. Howard Marshall; Leon Morris; …
The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries provides an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. This five volume collection includes the current resources covering the Gospels and Acts. Having long been a trusted resource for Bible study and written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelical scholars, each book in the Tyndale Commentaries series offers clear, reliable, and relevant expositions. Each volume in the Tyndale Bible Commentaries series is designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting and purpose. Following a structural analysis, each commentary takes the book section-by-section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide...
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The New Bible Set (2 vols.)
D. A. Carson; D. R. W. Wood; Gordon J. Wenham; …
For over forty years, the New Bible Commentary and the New Bible Dictionary have set the standard for works of their kind. Now bundled together are the most updated editions, with the finest scholars of our day bringing us sixty-six detailed commentaries and over 2,000 definitions from Genesis to Revelation, covering background information on the history, geography, and customs of Israel and the Middle East.
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International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT) and The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC) Commentary Collection (23 vols.)
Anthony Thiselton; Charles A. Wanamaker; David M. Carr; …
In this unique collection, you get Logos edition exegetical commentaries from two excellent series: International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT) and The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC) IECOT offers a multi-perspectival interpretation of the books of the Old Testament to a broad, international audience of scholars, laypeople and pastors. Biblical commentaries too often reflect the fragmented character of contemporary biblical scholarship, where different geographical or methodological sub-groups of scholars pursue specific methodologies and theories with little engagement of alternative approaches. This series, published in English and German editions, brings together editors and authors from North America, Europe, and Israel with multiple exegetical perspectives. The NIGTC series is established on the presupposition that the theological character of the New Testament documents calls for exegesis that is sensitive to theological...
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新國際聖經註釋系列二 (繁體) (6本) The New International Commentary Two (Traditional Chinese) (6 vols)
Marten H. Woudstra; O. Palmer Robertson; R. T. France; …
這套《新國際註釋系列二》是多位學者研究數年的學術成果,是福音派聖經學術著作具有指標性的註釋書,每一卷都旨在幫助我們更清楚地認識上帝的話語。作者秉持聖經是無誤的理念,以逐章逐節的方式徹底、仔細地研究經文。 本系列包含新舊約六冊,分別是帖撒羅尼迦前後書、馬太福音、馬可福音、那鴻書-哈巴谷書-西番雅書、以斯拉記與尼希米記和約書亞記。 每本註釋書都以對該書卷有清楚的介紹,特別關注背景、作者、寫作日期、目的、結構、神學及其對今天信仰生活的影響的闡述。本系列英文版由Eerdmans出版,中文版由Logos中文團隊獨立翻譯製作。
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틴데일 주석 시리즈 (15권)
Andrew E. Hill; Colin G. Kruse; Donald Guthrie; …
틴데일 구약주석 시리즈 (TOTC)와 틴데일 신약주석 시리즈 (TNTC)는 오랫동안 성경 연구의 탁월한 참고자료로 신뢰를 받아 왔다. 세계적으로 가장 뛰어난 복음주의 학자들에 의해 저술된 이 주석 시리즈는 성경 각 권에 대해 명료하게 해설함으로 독자들에게 신뢰를 주며, 특히 성경 강해에 도움을 준다.
Sale $249.99
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丁道爾新約聖經註釋--全套20本 (繁體) Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: New Testament Collection Set (20 Vol.) (Traditional Chinese)
Colin G. Kruse; Donald Guthrie; Douglas J. Moo; …
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