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150 Essential Insights on Faith
Billy Graham
“I’m not a great man. I just have a great message.” Billy Graham Evangelist Billy Graham influenced multiple generations by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to nearly 215 million people worldwide. He left behind a legacy of steadfast faith and a lifelong commitment to Jesus’s commandment from Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Now you can enrich your daily walk with these quotes from the man whom the Gallup organization named as one of the ten most…
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Colección Instituto bíblico (anteriormente FLET)
Alfred Edersheim; Billy Graham; Clarence B. Hale; …
Software Bíblico Logos e Indiana Wesleyan University te ofrecen el programa de formación ministerial más completo, ideal para estudiar individualmente desde el lugar más conveniente para ti, o en grupo con otros líderes de tu iglesia. Consiste en seis módulos que conjuntamente cubren más de 50 materias, diseñadas para ampliar tu conocimiento de las Escrituras y su aplicación a tu vida y ministerio. Esta capacitación equivale a una licenciatura de 4 años y lleva el aval de un prestigioso ente de acreditación.
Sale $699.99
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The Key to Personal Peace
Billy Graham
People are seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. We are all crying out for guidance. For comfort. For peace. Is there a way out of our dilemma? Can we really find personal peace with God? Yes! But only if we look in the right place.
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The Cradle, Cross, and Crown: Rediscover the True Christmas Story
Billy Graham
Find peace when you keep your heart fixed on the true reason for Christmas—Christ.
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God's Blessings of Christmas: Devotions and Bible Verses Celebrating the Savior's Birth
Billy Graham; Maurice England
Experience God’s blessings this Christmas season when you keep your focus on Jesus.
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The Heaven Answer Book: Understanding Eternity (Answers to Over 100 of Your Pressing Questions about Eternal Life, Salvation, and Life After Death)
Billy Graham
Find comfort and reassurance with trustworthy, biblical answers to your questions about Heaven and the destiny that awaits those who believe in Jesus.
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The Reason for My Hope: Salvation
Billy Graham
The saving message of the Gospel is the heartbeat of this preacher and evangelist. Millions around the world heard Billy Graham proclaim this unchanging truth. He never forgot the transformation of his own life, when he first said yes to God’s gift of salvation, and he witnessed multitudes turn their hearts to the God of Hope.
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Unto the Hills: A Daily Devotional
Billy Graham
No matter your place in life, this inspiring collection of 365 devotional readings is designed to bring you daily to a special place of renewal— to help you pause and gaze "unto the hills" for help and inspiration.
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Billy Graham in Quotes
Billy Graham; Thomas Nelson; Donna Lee Toney; …
God Speaks His Word Straight Into The Hearts Of Men And Women. The Word Of God Is Alive And Active Today In The Lives Of Millions.
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El Espíritu Santo (con guía de estudio)
Billy Graham; Alberto Samuel Valdes
Este libro le dará respuestas bíblicas a sus muchas interrogantes sobre la persona y la obra del glorioso Espíritu Santo, como por ejemplo: ¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo, la tercera persona de la Santa Trinidad? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre su obra en el Antiguo Testamento y su obra en el Nuevo Testamento? ¿Hay pecados específicos en contra del Espíritu Santo?
Sale $18.99
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Angels: God's Secret Agents
Billy Graham
Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels.
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Death and the Life After
Billy Graham
Our culture trains us to prepare for almost everything but death. Fear and denial are common human responses to the subject, What awaits us beyond this life? It is a journey into the unknown, or a glorious, spiritual pilgrimage to eagerly anticipate?
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Graham 2in1: Angels/Peace With God
Billy Graham
A special bundle of two books authored by Billy Graham. "Angels" and "Peace With God".
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Hope for Each Day: Morning & Evening Devotions
Billy Graham
Beginning and ending your day with a daily devotional can be a game changer. Leading inspirational author and pastor Billy Graham shares words of wisdom and inspiration for hope-filled living with 730 devotions in Hope for Each Day: Morning and Evening Devotions.
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FLET: Módulo de Teología
Billy Graham; Norman Geisler; R. C. Sproul; …
La teología no es meramente un ejercicio académico para intelectuales. Siempre debe mantenerse viva y práctica a la realidad de la gente común. El módulo de Teología contiene un total de 12 volúmenes (6 libros y 6 guías de estudio) que sintetizan en términos claros más de 100 de las principales doctrinas de la fe cristiana. En particular se resalta la persona de Dios, Su obra de salvación, la misión de la iglesia, e interpretaciones sobre eventos futuros. También enseña a formar y defender una cosmovisión cristiana aplicada a todos los campos del conocimiento y la cultura.
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聖靈:啟動基督徒生命中的大能(繁體) THE HOLY SPIRIT (Traditional Chinese)
Billy Graham; 葛培理
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The Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World
Billy Graham
With insight that only comes from a life spent with God, The Journey is filled with wisdom, encouragement, hope, and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
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Unto the Hills: A Devotional
Billy Graham; Tom Dooley
No matter your place in life, this inspiring collection of devotional readings is designed to bring you daily to a special place of renewal— to help you pause and gaze "unto the hills" for help and inspiration.
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The Enduring Classics of Billy Graham
Billy Graham
Three authoritative Christian classics in one volume by the beloved evangelist who inspired billions—from everyday people to presidents. This first volume of The Billy Graham Signature Series includes three of the world-renowned minister’s greatest works: The Secret of Happiness teaches that happiness is a by-product—a bonus that comes when we seek what is really important. Death and the Life After liberates readers from fear and denial on the topic of death and helps them find peace, assurance,…
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How To Be Born Again
Billy Graham
Man has a problem and God has an answer in Christ. How the do we respond?
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The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life
Billy Graham
In this classic volume, Billy Graham offers a sensitive and comprehensive portrait of this much discussed but often misunderstood member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. An informative, clarifying, and unifying book on the Holy Spirit Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do? The world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham offers a sensitive and comprehensive portrait of the much discussed but often-misunderstood member of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit came to empower God’s people and transform their lives, yet so often the doctrine of the Holy Spirit causes division in the church. It is crucial to develop a genuinely biblical understand of the Third Person of the Trinity—and to experience an authentic outpouring of his power.
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Hope for Each Day: Words of Wisdom and Faith (A 365-Day Devotional)
Billy Graham
Beloved inspirational author and pastor Billy Graham understood the importance of hope. Having hope translates to living a life full of peace, joy, and love. God's Word overflows with hope throughout its pages--all the way from Genesis to Revelation. With Billy Graham's Hope for Each Day, that biblical hope can be yours every day.
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Wisdom for Each Day: 365 Daily Devotions
Billy Graham
Life principles and Scripture selections from the America's most well known Evangelist.
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Answers to Life's Problems: Guidance, Inspiration and Hope for the Challenges of Today
Billy Graham
Imagine being able to sit down with Billy Graham and ask him for advice. In response to thousands of letters, Billy Graham offers guidance and answers to the most-often asked questions about every aspect of life, including relationships, ethics, psychological problems and spirituality.
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Learning to Pray: The Journey Study Series
Billy Graham
Learn to speak to God through prayer, offer him praise and thanksgiving, and listen for an answer.
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Leading with Billy Graham: The Leadership Principles and Life of T. W. Wilson
Billy Graham; Jay Dennis
Many Christians who want to impact the world mistakenly assume that influence belongs only to the ministry front-man-not to the next tier of leaders and unseen servants. But the life of T. W. Wilson proves otherwise. As Billy Graham's closest friend and longtime personal assistant, T. W. Wilson turned his own valuable leadership skills to the task of supporting Billy and ended up influencing thousands of lives both directly and indirectly. His life is an inspiring testimony to the power of…
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Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond
Billy Graham; Tommy Cresswell
"I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:3
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What Happened at the Cross: The Price of Victory
Billy Graham; Franklin Graham
The cross of Christ towers over 2,000 years of history. What happened on that hill called Calvary? In this compilation of his life's work, Billy Graham explains what Jesus accomplished on the day of his death, the meaning of his sacrifice, where he is now, the price of victory, and how to live with hope.
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Who's In Charge of a World That Suffers? Trusting God in Difficult Circumstances
Billy Graham; Franklin Graham
Why is suffering the common lot of all people everywhere--believers and non-believers alike--and why does it seem that the world is out of control when it comes to the problem of pain and suffering? Who’s in Charge of a World that Suffers? includes an informative and inspirational new introduction by Franklin Graham that speaks to today’s reader in the midst of painful circumstances.
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Peace with God: The Secret of Happiness
Billy Graham
Billy Graham shares God's gentle, reassuring promise of spiritual calm and authentic peace in a world falling apart at the seams.
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